Twenty Two: Romeo

Start from the beginning

"Your room's like a gallery." Skylar said.

Romeo smiled and placed the snacks she'd gotten on her bed.

"Thank you. It's not usually this neat. I had lots of free time today so I decided to put things in their place."

Romeo had a shelf near her desk that was filled with jewellery she'd worked on. In one corner of her room were a pile of wooden crates painted white and in them were shoes, almost displayed like they were ready for a photo shoot. The things Skylar envied were Romeo's balcony, wall to wall closet and personal bathroom.

Skylar sat on Romeo's bed and helped herself to a packet of chips as Romeo went to play some music softly.

"So, what's new?" Romeo joined Skylar on her bed.

"Well, I have a date with Justin tomorrow. My mom's making a big deal about it. She's worried." Skylar stuffed her mouth.

"Wait. A date? With Justin Bieber?" Romeo's face lit up. "Yes! Za owes me $20." Romeo did a victory dance on her bed, making Skylar blush.

"You two made a bet?"

"Yes. And I won. I knew it was bound to happen. I've been saying he's your man and you've been denying it."

"I didn't wanna get ahead of myself. He's aight."

"He's cute! And tatted. Girl..." Romeo nudged Skylar repeatedly.

Skylar slapped her arm away and took another mouthful of her chips.

"So what's your mom worried about what?" Romeo asked.

"Justin's tinted windows of his black BMW. She thinks he's dodgy."

"Has she seen the guy?!"

"She will. Tomorrow. Then she'll have more to say about him."

Romeo scrunched up her face.

"Your mom's so uptight." She said.

"She needs a man." Skylar joked.

"I'm sure she'll like him once she gets to know him."

"We'll see."

Skylar wasn't so convinced her mom would like Justin. She and and Angela didn't have the strongest of mother-daughter relationships and that made things a little hard for her. Maybe if she and her mother spoke about everything, Skylar wouldn't be nervous about her meeting Justin.

There was a knock on Romeo's bedroom door and it got Skylar out of her deep thoughts.

"Come in." Romeo said.

The door opened and a woman with a light brown pixie haircut and a big smile on her red lips peeked her head into the room.

"Hi, girls." She said.

"Hi, mom." Romeo sat up straight. "Come meet Skylar, my friend from school."

The woman walked in with a bit of a hop in her step and she waved at Skylar.

"Nice to meet you, Skylar. I'm Rita, Romeo's mom."

"Nice to meet you too. You look lovely." Skylar smiled.

"Oh, thank you. Romeo got me this dress last year. One of my favourites."

Rita wore a black and gold lace dress with a pair of black heels. She loved her accessories, Skylar noticed, maybe as much as Romeo liked hers and it was clear where Romeo had gotten her love for jewellery from.

"Where are you off to?" Romeo decided to ask.

"I'm going to pick up Ella from school then drop her off at her ballet class and hang out with the other moms there." Rita smiled. "Are you staying for dinner, Skylar? I can bring something back when I come home with Ella."

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