"Call my driver, Blake, and tell him there's still time to make my flight if he comes straight here," Harper never really learned her name either, another thing to add to the list of reasons as to why she knew he hated her. Amongst the more tangible reasons, like when he told her crush on Jackson was as stupid as she was. She didn't even have a crush on Jackson.

Did that make her smart, then?

He mainly called her Blake, which sometimes Blair chose to take as a compliment because she really loved Gossip Girl and Blake Lively—though she was glad to have the same name as the legendary Blair Waldorf. There had been a few instances of a "Brooke." There was once a Brandon, a really low blow to Blair's ego since he had done it after she cut her hair super short for the first time.

Jackson had to go and make one of his Pogi jokes at the same time, too. Like grandfather like grandson, she guessed.

Now, he was treating her like she was a servant or something. How would she even have his driver's phone number? Either way, she walked quickly, trailing behind Jackson as he and two other paramedics helped wheel Harper Avery into Seattle Grace Mercy West on a stretcher.

"Blair," Jackson mumbled, correctly his grandfather under his breath. In his normal voice, he said, "You passed out in a restaurant and you have abdominal pain." Jackson let go of the gurney, grabbing his chart. Blair stopped abruptly, slightly running into Jackson's arm. "You're not getting on a plane."

"The pain's gone," Harper argued as the paramedics moved him to an emergency room bed. "And whatever caused it can wait till I get home. Now, let me off this damn thing."

"Yeah, because I caused this!" Blair whispered into Jackson's ear angrily. He shrugged her off.

A woman that Blair recognized from Arizona's birthday party and who Blair believed was Cristina Yang, Jackson's passing work crush, walked over trying to assess Harper.

"Sir, I need you to move to this gurney."

"I got this, Yang," Jackson said to his coworker, confirming Blair's guess. "You're not even in scrubs."

Yang ignored Jackson, tying her hair up.

Well, Jackson, you're not in scrubs either, Blair thought, but she didn't say it out loud.

Instead, Yang started to give Harper instructions. Blair thought that Harper Avery was famous in the medical world, yet, it seemed like the woman did not know who he was.

"Tell this lady to back off, Jackie," Harper said.

"Jackie?" Cristina questioned, looking up for the first time. Her eyes shifted to Blair next to Jackson for such a quick second. Blair was sure she was imagining things.

"Whatever," Jackson interrupted, embarrassed by the nickname. "It's not—Look, I've already paged Bailey, and he's not cardio, so you can lose interest, Yang."

Yang continued to evaluate Harper anyways. The way the emergency room was moving was so fast, Blair was surprised to see so many humans working at those speeds.

"Yeah, we'll see about that," Yang doubted Jackson.

Blair wondered if a girl like that, so sure of herself and a freaking surgical resident would be the type of girl Harper Avery would approve for his precious little Jackie, or was no one sufficient for the Avery family name?

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