🍻🍻Sakata Gintoki x Reader🍻🍻

Start from the beginning

Someone clapped. "Well said."

Everyone turned to the voice. I wiped my face and, for a second, thought I was hallucinating.

There, leaning at the entrance with his arms crossed, was Gintoki. He flicked something off of his hand before approaching, passing Sana-san leisurely before stopping beside me. His smell of laundry soap was the only that convinced me any of this was real.

"Who are you?" the owner said before I managed anything. "If you're looking for a room, then please excuse us. Sana, attend to our customer."

"That won't be necessary," Gintoki said. Then he looked directly in my eyes this time and his own eyes softened. "Don't cry," he said. "Nothing you said was wrong. So don't cry."

My vision blurred again. "How did you..."

"Let's say I had some help. I was asking around and it turned out a bunch of my friends have also taken an interest in this place."

"So, you're with her?" The owner's dismissive gaze flicked to me. "Things make sense now. Take your woman and get out. You're obstructing my business."

"Where's her money?" Gintoki said.

"Didn't you hear what I said?" The owner had moved to the center of the lobby. "You think you can just barge in and act like you own the place?"

"I wonder who's acting, pops," Gintoki said with a noticeable smugness. Surprisingly, the owner suddenly looked hesitant. "Drop the act already. We know what you've been up to. At least, they do, thanks to the most credible witness on the scene."

As if on cue, a group of Shinsengumi police officers stormed into the lobby. A younger officer with sandy hair marched behind the owner and began handcuffing him. "You are under arrest for the disappearance and murder of 24-year-old Tachibana Sawako. Last reported missing seven months ago, her body was then found floating on a lake a week later. It took us some time to piece together the evidence—evidence you scattered all across the city."

"What's this nonsense? I have no clue what you're on about. Unhand me this instant!" From a shove, the owner stumbled straight into another officer's chest. With this officer being very large, he effortlessly pinned the owner in place, ultimately silencing him.

By this time, everyone working at the inn was at the scene.

The younger officer who seemed to be in charge turned to face the owner. "Listen up, everyone. Some of you have probably heard or worked with Tachibana Sawako, yes?" There came a collective confirmation. "Then you probably also heard the excuse this man has been telling you about Tachibana running away all a sudden. Well, the truth is he had been forcing her to sleep with his client, and some event happened that led to her death in one of the rooms upstairs. We are still in mid-investigation, but it is widely believed that this man stabbed her amid his rage. Autopsy revealed a gap at the base of her neck, large enough to be from a knife."

All eyes went to the owner. He stuttered and began to protest. But the lead officer silenced him with an order to the crew to take him to the station for further questioning. The staff divided to make way and Shinsengumi left as quickly as they came.

"Thanks for helping us bag this one, danna," the officer in charge said after his men were out.

I looked at Gintoki in surprise.

"Don't thank me." He smacked my shoulder, making me stumble. "Thank her."

The officer nodded at me. "I'm Okita Sougou, captain of the first division. I've heard your story. Don't worry, we'll make sure he doesn't owe you a cent."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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