Chapter 1 The Unknown Letter

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Hello people, Pradnya here, but I do write stories under the name 'Gyanada' . I hope you'll like to read one more LRL fanfic in the long list published on the platform. This story has been on my mind for a long time but never could get the courage to pen it down . As it's my first story on a platform , I would like to get encouraged by likes and stars if you like the story. Please give feedback and share your thoughts on the first chapter in comments, Be it good or bad I would like to know.

Disclaimer: I don't own the LRL series and cannon characters but I would be tweaking personalities of some characters to help my plot according to requirements. Also Characters of my story would be shared shortly at specific levels so as not to give spoilers away. I have also added some of Oc characters that are wholly my creation.

Chapter 1: The Unknown Letter

In HQ of Indian Army intelligence a call comes in.
"Hello Sir, Lieutenant Reddy speaking , a parcel came in yesterday that has the name of a deceased person on it, we have forwarded it to you."
" Alright, parcel no. And date noted."
*......Scene Break........*

The Army seems to have intercepted a letter written to Captain Rajveer Singh Shekhawat who is recently deceased. They have forwarded it to the intelligence department. When it reaches HQ it Straightaway goes on the desk of Major general Bakshi, when he starts to read it he immediately calls for a conference of fellow and junior officers. All officers are seating at conference table and Major general give it to one of them to read for all aloud. Officer starts reading the letter, it goes on,
"Hello Rajveer Beta, I know i shouldn't break the protocol but now it's tough for me. It's a high time for me now as I am on the last stage of my life. I cant think of protocols now , I only have 20 days remaining on earth and even doctors won't be able to extend it anymore. My Medicines have almost stopped working. Please take care of her, you are my only hope, and after my death our enemies might get to know then it would be very difficult to save her. You know where she is, she can take care of herself , I have forced her to become independent. But you know she needs someone near her. It's time to keep the Promise you made to me. Yours, Bonzo Uncle. "
Letter actually didn't explain much nor clear the identity of the person writing the letter as Bonzo didn't clear anything; it was obviously a codename. They started discussing what should be done ahead. Many Ideas were being exchanged.It needed to be done on an emergency basis as the date written in the letter is two months back so it's very unlikely that the person who wrote the letter is alive today.
Suddenly One officer said we should check Rajveer sir's belongings again , when we did it previously many code language documents were acquired. We can check names in letters against that. So his belongings were called to the conference room and some officers were given responsibility for finding out the identity of the letter writer. It was decided that the next meeting to discuss the same would be kept after two days.
*......Scene Break........*

Author note: So people how's the first chapter please share your thoughts. And give me suggestions for the name of the story as I am under a dilemma as to what to name it. Looking forward to it.

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