Sarah click his tounge silently who only you notice as she put on her bright act once again. " Yes of course let's go!" Her smiles look bright as the sun of course, in Azeria sight and the crowds. She was a beautiful lady alright.

They walk thru the crowds as they made space for them to move so they were going on a date or what? All of the crowds started talking louder. Some would think they're dating or some were opposite. You sighed and rolled you're eyes and went back to you're business. This wasnt suppose to happen though you only rather not take things to fast or you might cause more troubles. You make you're way to the temple.

'fuck, this stupid man is annoying assfuck. The only use for him is because he is y/n that bitch favourite.' Sarah curse under the breath. She was selfish and was surrounded by greed and jealousy. The male leads would though she love them back but she only choose The prince and would never change her answer. That's only cause she would become a future empress.

She made The prince was hers and that's because she knew all of this would happen and he would become hers. This all filthy male leads is nothing compare to him.

But you know what make The Prince look like a dog and nothing? The gods. She was the saintess and the gods was written to be completely also obsessed with the Saintess which mean her. She would control the whole universe if she could get them the palm of her hand but that would be a very hard mission. What's more exciting? She made one of the god's had the same name as her old crush.

Sure, she's can't do anything here like she was when she was the author . She was only a lowly commoner here but once the story goes her ways, she might aswell become unstoppable and she will wait for the days coming.


Arriving to the temple. You saw alot more people here than usual. Weird but whatever. You walk thru the hall then seeing bunch of people praying on their knees to Cinlotl, The God of Destiny including Kurade and Liana , you could spot their blonde hair everytime. There was a stone who is probably the god infront of them- he had much more longer hair than Llotl and his abs were more...details? He look hot goddamn you hold you're chest to not let out a blood curling scream.

Kurade was praying at his god, his everything in the flesh,  as usual since of course because the universe revolve them and because it was his job. It was his decision to become a nun anyways....

Liana caught a glimpse of you seeing you were seemingly holding you're chest, she mistaken you were in pain. She grab Kurade wrist and ran toward you, every person there ignore and continue to pray because praying to their god was far more important than watching unnesessary things. " WHAT ARE YOU,- oh my heavens---!" He dramatically gasped seeing you grasping you're chest. You snapped out of you're thoughts while before you could reach, Liana hugged you tightly. Putting you on her chest.

"Lady!! It been so long we met! How are you?! I heard the news! This Connor haven't touch you right?!?? If he did, then tell me! I beat him to pulp for you!!" She squeezes you while you were struggling to breath.

"What? You just met her like....a week ago." Kurade crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows. Liana just hit his head in response. You tapped her shoulder weakly "Liana--- i-- I can't...!-" Liana realise she was hugging you too tight as she apologized and let go, avoiding eye contact feeling herself to flustered. You just smiles " haha... it's okay." You said while Kurade scoffed.

" Well, why are you here y/n?" Kurade hummed, apparently, ever since you became a commoner, he became more comfortable with you and started calling you by you're first name. Not that you're mind. Liana and Kurade were completely the opposite.

"Huuuh...well i was just gonna pray to the Gods..." To be honest, ever since you SOMEHOW didn't die when praying to Cikdar casually, you start to pray for him , misunderstood that he just had bless you randomly. That is still impossible but maybe it is??? You didn't know actually. You just randomly did it.

"Right. I be going now." You smiles nervously, walking away from them while Liana wave back and Kurade went back to join the others prayers. You step echoes the whole place. It was so quiet and the whole place was white and it was blank as hell . The were bunch of stone you don't know what. There came a big huge stone in sight who were Cikdar, The god of Luck and Wealth himself. His hair was short, and look like that slicked hair back like a business man and he was wearing some suit but the only thing different was he had a snakes surrounded him. He look like a male lead from a manhwa that is some a rich CEO or something but more better. His title fit him too well.

Also, there were many people there praying to him. It kinda creepy since they didn't make a single sound but they mouth moving fast like they were chanting. You kneel while you look beside you who look at you bluntly making you jump but sighed.

"What was that Val..." You tched seeing you're sibling next to you, they just gawked at you then went back to his prayers. You sweatdropped and went to a pray position.

Bloody Pressure (Yandere Gods X Reader )Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα