Chapter 3: A new Companion friend, finding out who you are

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"Well it's's just.." her ears flattened against her head. "Does father love him more than me? He gets better stuff like weapons, outfits even more friends then I possibly could. It's just not fair.." the last sentence made tears appear in the corner of her eyes. "Oh Ambera, no honey." She got down to sit on her knees but also be at her daughters height. "He loves you two equally, I know it may be hard to see it that way to you, but you will in time." Zara said while placing a paw on Ambera's shoulder.

Later that evening, Ambera walked to the castle doors, she pulled up a hood over her head. She looked around, there was a tug on her cloak. She looked over her shoulder and it was her little brother Tygus. "Tygus, what you're doing." "Can I come with you?" "Tygus, you need to stay here." She sighed " But I can't stay here and have my life lived for me" "But, sister. I'll miss you." "I'll miss you too but I can't stay here." she opened the doors, she left the castle doors. Tygus stood there as he started to cry. Ambera left the courtyard and headed to the marketplace, she found a place to sleep in.

The Next day, Ambera walks into the marketplace, she stops when she hears ''Stop him!" She turned around and saw the guards chasing a half colored tiger, he was half gold and half black.The tiger smirked and turned into an alley, the guards ran past the alley. Ambera rolled her eyes, she walked to a food stand. She noticed a homeless cub reaching for some fruit. Ambera grabbed an apple and gave it to the cub. The cub smiled then ran off, she looked at the merchant and he didn't seem to notice her action. She walked away from the stand, a guard noticed what Ambera did. He growled "Well, well. What we have here. A little Thief?" "What no, I didn't." Ambera said as she struggled to get loose.

The half-color tiger ran down the pathway, the guard spotted him and let go of Ambera and chased the tiger. Ambera raised a brow, she was confused till the tiger ran past her and grabbed her arm. "Let's go" he ran towards a ladder and climbed up it, Ambera followed him up the ladder. The male tiger climbed to the rooftop, he helped Ambera up the roof. "Who are you?" "The name is Miro and I'm a pirate." Ambera raised a brow, "If you're a pirate then you're not good at it." She laughed a bit, Miro blushed, "Hey, I'm still learning." "Yeah, learning" The teen cubs walked on the rooftop edge and sat down. Ambera sat next to Miro.

The chimera tiger looked at the tigeetah, then at the castle. "It'll be so nice to live there, I wonder what it would be like to live there, to have servants and maidens...." "Oh, sure. cats who tell you where to go and how to dress." "It's better than here. Always scraping for food and ducking the guards." "You're not free to make your own choices" "Sometimes you feel so...." "You're just...." The cubs said in unison "Trapped" They look at each other, realizing that they're perfect for one another. Miro broke the look, then looked away. "So, where're you from?" "What does it matter? I ran away, and I am not going back." Ambera crossed her arms, Miro raised a brow "Why?" Ambera looked at the chimera tiger, she stood up then walked away from the male tiger, "Why you need to know." "Because I want to be your friend." Those words made Ambera cry, it wasn't sadness but tears of joy. She needed to hear those words, she couldn't help herself but hug Miro. The chimera tiger was surprised but hugged her back, Miro rubbed Ambera's back. The princess looked at Miro, she kissed his cheek, "Thank you." Miro blushed then rubbed the back of his head "No problem." "I gotta go." Ambera let go of the chimera tiger, she ran off with her fast speed. Miro was amazed how fast Ambera can run. He just stood there confused. Ambera jumped off the roof and behind some guards.The guards turned around then got spooked by the princess, they looked at her confused. Ambera pulled down the hood, the guards were shocked to see the princess and they knelt down to bow to her.

Tygra walked towards Ambera, he had a stern look on his face "Ambera, how dare you leave the castle without a guard." "Father, I had to run away." "Run away, why?" "Because you care about Tygus more than more." Tygra placed his hands on his daughter's shoulders "Ambera, I love you two equally. I will never play favorites." Ambera looked at her father then hugged him, he hugged back. They let go and headed back to the castle, Miro watched from the rooftops, he smiled a bit. He moved away then started on the rooftops, he found the right rooftop by the decks, he jumped the rooftops to the decks, he jumped down from the last rooftop and onto the deck.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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