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I haven't seen Aria in a while maybe it's time to visit her at her place. Forget the misunderstandings for a while, after all I am still her best friend and I have neglected her because of my greediness yearning for her heart.

I took out my skateboard and started going where I'm heading, that is to see her pretty face again. There weren't any cars on their driveway. But that didn't stop me from ringing their doorbell.

I started peaking in the glass window since no one was answering the door. I was surprised when the door was opened and I saw Mrs. Summers holding a vase with bouquet of roses in it. She placed them carefully on the table on the front porch.

"Hello Jamie, what a nice surprise! I didn't even hear you ring the bell." She confessed.
"Good morning Mrs. Summers, is A -a Aria home?" I stammered.

"She left this morning with her Dad." "She moved out." Phew, that was a relief at least she has her own place now.

"Really? Can you give me the address, I would like to see her at the same time give her a hand fixing stuff." I suggested. This time Mrs. Summer looked at me straight in the eye as if I had told her the worst joke ever. She sat down at the chair and motioned me to do the same.

I sat across her nervously, thinking maybe she's gonna stop me from seeing her daughter. God, I hope not!
"Jamie dear," as she tapped the top of my hand. "Aria moved in with Colton, I don't think it's a good idea to even go visit her. I can inform you when she comes here for a visit. But for now, let's just keep things as it is." She looked at me with sadness in her eyes.

I did not expect that. It was the worst day of my life. She moved in with him that means it's for good. I won't have a chance at all. He took her away from me. I did not say a word about what Mrs. Summers said, instead I just left with a bleeding heart. Instead of using my skateboard. I decided to walk. I don't care how long or how far. I will just let my feet take me where it wants to lead me. It hurts so much like someone died. I felt like I lost her forever.


Giving up everything in your life including your loves ones is the hardest decision I had ever made. I did it knowing it's what my heart wants, to be alone with a stranger whom I considered my other half. Yet all fairy tales doesn't have happy endings, unfortunately for me mine has been one of them.

I moved in with my friend Cynthia after Alex left me and went to London by himself, without saying a word like I am invisible in his life. I did not know what I did wrong or what happened to both of us, it seems surreal. Once I was a princess living in a big castle with whom I thought I am with my prince, waking up one day with a beast beside me. He hated me all of a sudden. He started drinking going home late. I gave him everything even my soul. It's like he was in a dreaming stage while he was with me until the part that he proposed and married me secretly. And he woke up one day realizing I am not the princess he dreamed about. It felt like a stab of knife in my back. Like someone stabbing me continuously and I am acting numb about it, letting life takes its course, until all of my blood was drained that's when he left me bleeding soaking on my own blood. That's how much it hurts.

My one and only best friend accepted me back with open arms. And that's how I was able to stand up again. I need to. I have to. For the baby. Yes, I am four months pregnant with Alex when he decided to leave me. And now I have to survive so is my baby. This is the point of my life when I need my mom. I have to see her.

I gathered all my guts to drive back to my parent's place. I have no choice for them to see me like this. I shut off the engine and stepped out of the car. I saw my mom at once on the front porch doing some gardening.

"Erika, is that you?" My mom stopped what she was doing and came rushing to hug me.

We went straight to the kitchen as she poured me some home made lemonade. She baked peanut butter tea biscuits as well.

"How have you been? And this one how far along are you?" She exclaimed delighted as she touched the top of my belly.

I started sobbing uncontrollably. My mom read my mind and immediately asked where I was staying.
"Come back with us, Erika. Your Dad will understand. He will forgive you." she said as she looked at me with pleading eyes.

"I will think about it mom, it's getting too crowded for all of us in here. Besides, Cynthia is still living alone." I muttered.

"How is it too crowded, silly non sense." She waived her hand. "You are part of this family always and forever. It's just me and your Dad here in this big house." She explained.

"Why where's Aria?" I asked curiously.

"She moved in today with her boyfriend Colton." Mom smiled. She seemed to be cheering up for them.

"Good for her. Everything seems to be going well with my sister, even the fact that she still holds the heart of my own husband." I remarked.

"Honey, don't hate your sister, it's not her fault boys are so drawn to her. You have no idea how much friendship she sacrificed just to do the right thing."

"It's just unbelievable Mom." "She must be good in something that's why they want her." I said sarcastically.

"I know what you mean, but your sister did not sleep with everybody. I don't believe that's the only thing they're after. She suffered the worst stage in her life too you know. Nobody's perfect."

Mom decided to make lunch as I waited for Dad in the kitchen while helping out mom.
Just in time for the cooked meal. My Dad froze as soon as he stepped in the kitchen hall. Upon seeing my bump he looked surprised as he scan the area.

"Is he with you? He got some nerve coming in here?!" Dad is hot-tempered all of a sudden.

"Stephen calm down. Your daughter's life is miserable right now. He left her." Mom explained.

"What happened?" He asked as I hugged him forgetting my tummy in between us.
"We should sue him, he is responsible for this!" While pointing at my belly like it was a toy. "We need a lawyer.!" With those words I already knew Dad had forgiven me for turning my back on them. As the saying goes there's no place like home. Family will always be family.


It has been a month since I left Erika. I know she couldn't forgive me for doing so. But I tried to love her again, but it doesn't feel right. I thought upon giving her the ring I will make myself happy again. I did for some point, sexually. But the worst part is seeing Aria again, to top that learning they were sisters. And knowing Aria lost our baby on an accident, which I will regret for the rest of my life by leaving her and not fighting for her not knowing she was pregnant.

I never wanted a baby with Erika. I was a fool for making myself believe I can forget Aria. I almost did until I felt that spark again upon seeing her. Since I already gave the ring to Erika, there's no turning back now. I had to play pretend. So I married her. Until I pretended too much that I knocked her up. And suddenly the dim clouds are clearing away, that having a baby is a responsibility forever. But she isn't what my heart yearns for. And this time I will fight for Aria. I will find her.

Please let me know if you like this story. I can update more as requested.
Thank you for reading!!


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