Chapter 11

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She nods.
"You're sorry...?"
A flurry of emotions hit you. Was this the girl that destroyed Dust's life..? That did all those genocides..? You stare at her, not wanting to believe it... but you needed to know the truth.
"What's your name?"
The girl looked extremely uncomfortable, and you could tell that something was up. Sighing, she gets off the ground and gives you a look filled with slight fear.
"My.. my name is Frisk.." she whispers softly.
So this was it. This was the girl who had completely ruined every good thing for Dust. You couldn't help it, but you automatically hated her. You hated her existence. You hated what she had done. You could care less if she had a reason or not. Without another word, coldness in your eyes, you begin to walk away, continuing on through Snowdin Town. 
"P-please, h-hear me out!" The young girl cried out, quickly hurrying up to walk besides you. 
"No. I refuse. I could care less what excuses you come up with, to be honest. You hurt someone dear to me. Ruined their life. Why should I listen to you?"
Frisk pauses and looks to the ground, kicking some snow around idly with her boots. She held a stick in one hand that you hadn't noticed before. Oddly, a sensation of dread washed over you, a pair of eyes from the darkness between the houses watching your conversation with the child.
"Fine. Spill. What was so damn important it drived you to ruin Dust's life?" You spat, daggers baring into her.
She gave you a quizzical look, cocking her head to the side slightly.
"Dust...? Who's that..?"
"Sans. He nicknamed himself Dust. Now...... you got a problem with that?" You grumble, towering over her. 
She shook her head quietly, turning away. After a moments silence, she spoke up again.
"I was tired of living the same life over and over again.... once we all left the Underground, there was nothing. No thrill, no adventure, no challenge. But resetting..? I could create my own adventure all over again.." a small smile formed on her pink lips, looking up at you innocently.
A dark aura surrounded you, and you felt like you were suffocating under the weight of it, even if it was just for a moment. That smile. You had seen it one too many times....
"It's not hard tricking people into doing what I say. Poor little Frisk was so desperate for redemption that she was willing to do... well... anything." 
The beautiful golden eyes of Frisk started morphing into deep red ones, a glimmer of sadism flashing behind them. Her smile morphed and grew, black tar leaking from it like blood. It made you sick to your stomach.
"I should have known.. what did you do?!" 
You felt your heart pounding in your ears; fear washing over you like an unstoppable tsunami. Frisk, now Chara, merely giggles softly. She walks towards you, summoning a red knife in her grasp, chucking away the, now useless, stick.
"I told you I needed a soul; a vessel. And now I have one." She chirps, grinning wildly.
There was nothing you could do now. No Dust to save you, no strange skeletons on their way. Nothing. The only thing you could possibly do was-
Without even thinking, you legs started moving. The icy wind of Snowdin stabbed at you like needles as you sprinted away desperately. 
'This is the end...! This is where I die!'
You body trembled; adrenaline the only thing keeping you from slowing. You had no idea where to go, having never gone past Snowdin. But you had to do something, anything, to get away from that demon. As you ran, you spotted a figure in the distance, just on the edge of the town before you entered some strange, new, blue cavern. Their hood was covering their face, and a glowing, purple bone hovered besides them. You came to a stop. 
"What's the matter, Y/N? Why did you stop running? No longer afraid to die?~" Chara's sickening voice rung out behind you.
In disbelief, you start heading towards the figure. No, it couldn't be. You thought you weren't going to find him again. A pair of glowing eyes locked with yours, and, for a moment, you felt like time itself had stopped. For a moment, nothing else mattered. The realisation hit you like a ton of bricks. You may never find your home again, you may never see your stupid dad again, or you old friends. But you've made new friends, new family. And they've been right here this whole time.
'So... what am I doing..? Why does it still matter..? They've looked after me.....'
"Y/N.. I'm..  I'm sorry I couldn't find you sooner, i-"
Before Dust could even finish the sentence, he felt a pair of arms warp around his neck gently in a loving embrace. The warmth from your body radiated onto him, bringing a smile to his face. He missed this. It may have not been long, but he missed this... however, something wet was dripping onto his shirt. It was warm, but...
Blood. Red blood. Your blood
"Sorry Sansy!~ I was getting real tired of her antics."
You weren't moving; body paler than fresh snow. Red liquid poured out from your abdomen, which revealed a stab mark coming from your back through to your stomach. Your knees were weak and you lost your balance, falling to the floor. Was this really it? All of this for nothing?
"You.. you killed her.." Dust mumbled softly, eyes numb.
No emotions, no feelings, no words could describe what he felt. And the demon child knew this. She relished in his pain, his suffering. She relished in the agony his soul must be going through. There was silence, like the calm before a storm.
"What? Aren't you going to do anything? I just killed your girlfriend, at least say something."
"Girlfriend? Ha.. funny joke..." he grumbles lowly, left eye slowly flaring up in a purple inferno.
He gently moves you to the side of him, watching as you stare up at him with helpless eyes. Dust knew you were in pain, he could feel his soul aching for you.
"There we go!~ That's the Sans I love to see!~"
He stepped forward, lifting his arm high as a gaster blaster appeared by his side and......

Till Death Do Us Part - Dust Sans x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя