°*• Chapter 41 •*°

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, mom told me last night that after she recieved the call, she was gonna contact me but then... you know, she received a call from the school instead, about the fire." Soobin adds.

"Didn't your parents tell you about it hyung?" Hueningkai asks as the older looks away, gripping tightly at the stand of his IV line.

"I guess they didn't think it was that important." Yeonjun mutters with a sigh.

"Its alright hyung, what matters is that you're aware of it now. Which means, you can prepare for it with us." Taehyun assures him making the older smile.

"Its a good thing, it was only lightly choreographed because its more vocally focused." Beomgyu points out as they all nodded, it would be a problem if they ended up straining themselves.

"If we practice our voices carefully, I'm sure everything will work accordingly.." Hueningkai supplied.

"Well, since we're all informed now. By Monday, I'm sure we could regain our momentum. Assuming we haven't forgotten our routine for the evaluation." Soobin jokes lightening up the mood.

"If any of you forgets, I will smack your heads." Yeonjun jokingly warns making the rest laugh as they continue to joke around.


"Mom, dad... can I talk to you?" Yeonjun calls as his parents were packing things up as he and the others are getting discharged soon.

"Later Yeonjun, we need to make sure we didn't leave any of our stuff here." His mom answered.

"Mom please." His voice raised making his parents turn.

"Let's talk." Yeonjun meet his parents eyes.

"What is it?" His dad sighed as they payed attention.

"I'm sorry..." Yeonjun heaved a deep breathe.

"I'm sorry that I can't be what you expect of me..." he starts.

"I'm sorry that I even considered not breathing just to escape everything..."

"What?" His parents looked at him, slightly baffled and confused.

"But that doesn't matter anymore, what matters is that you know that my decision, my dream... it wouldn't change, and that I will do anything for it to happen, so..." Yeonjun looked at his parents, he could feel his tears brimming to fall.

"...I'm sorry. I... wasn't good enough." Yeonjun let himself cry, it really doesn't matter anymore.

"Oh Yeonjun..." his mom went ahead and embraced him as he cried.

"Do you really want that so badly?" He could hear his dad sigh as he simply nods in his mom's arms.

A moment of silence followed as his father ponders.

"Alright... alright..." his dad starts, taking in deep breathes, thinking deeply of the situation.

On that Friday afternoon, they almost lost their son and now their son said something really unnerving. Could they have the heart to be so cold to dismiss their only child's wish?

"Al-right?" Yeonjun looks at his father who heaved a sigh.

"Alright, I won't pry anymore. I won't tell you to stop or force you to pursue something you don't want..." his dad sighs.

"Yeonjun, you're a bright child. I know, your dad and I have been very pushy and we... we're sorry. We just did what we thought would be best for you." His mom explains as he wiped his tears.

"Exactly, and since you insist on pursuing music... I hope you understand how difficult the world you're trying to enter." His dad sternly speaks which made Yeonjun smile.

Maybe, he just really needs to sit down and speak up exactly what's on his mind, instead of just running away and hiding.

"I fully understand dad." He smiled and his dad simply nods while his mom patted his back. He felt extremely happy for some reason.

"Mom? Dad? Would you go to the final evaluation?"



Good day my dear readers! I hope you're all doing ok. Here's another update cuz I'm speed running this aa I haven't updated the story for so long. And this is supposed to be done before August even started but a lot of things happened so I wasn't able to finish it on time with my plan.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy these final chapters of Magic Hour! Thank you all for reading my story! 😊

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