Playing Gaymes

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They played every mortal Kombat game til 5 in the morning. They joked and played around the whole night, almost waking up the neighbors. But there was a part unmentioned by both of them that night. Speed told Adin his secret...

Speed pauses the game " Aye Adin I gotta ask you something"

Adin: " Yea?" Adin said with a bit of concern

Speed: " You know how we joke about being gay and shit? What would you do if someone you knew was ACTUALLY gay?"

Adin: "I mean I wouldn't care they not doing nothing to me 😂"

Speed: " Well I am. BUT YOU CANNOT TELL ANYONE. PLEASE" Speed shook Adin by his shoulders with mild concern

Adin: "Aye man I don't care and either way who would I tell?😂"

Speed: " Well I gotta tell you something and you gotta PROMISE this won't change our friendship" speed looked Adin dead in his eyes

Adin: " Yea speed you can tell me whatever"

Speed:" Well man since I saw you I liked you if I'm being completely honest and when I saw you walk through that door I got a lil shy"

Adin: " Damn man that's heavy...idk how to take this 😅 NO HOMO"

Speed: "My bad if I made you uncomfortable man I just needed to get that off my chest"

Adin: " Well this doesn't change anything in our friendship if you wanted to know man"

Speed: "Well thanks bro"

They continued playing, moving past that moment quickly until speed asked Adin a question

Speed: "Adin would you ever..try out shit? Like no one gotta know?"

Adin: "I mean I've thought about it but I haven't really acted on it ever cus I'm scared 😅"

Speed: "Well if you ever wanna I'm up to it cus I'm a virgin"

Adin: "REALLY?!" Adin said with genuine shock " you're literally ishowspeed bro you should have all the bitches"

Speed: " I mean I do but you know...I'm into niggas😂"

Adin: "Yea 😂" Adin said with a quiet laugh

They were both glad nothing became awkward. because if it did they probably never would've stayed friends. Or even started dating...

                        THE NEXT DAY

Adin left at 7:00 to go get his streaming stuff ready for the day. Speed and Adin had kept texting planning their next stream meet up. Speed, hoping Adin kept his secret texted Adin cautiously not trying to reveal too much. While Speed was a virgin Adin definitely wasn't. Girls threw themselves at him at he threw himself back. There was never a day when he didn't fuck a fan. Everyone he fucked kept it secret out of respect for him. But Adin also had a secret...when he was younger (8-9th grade) he knew this gay dude and was friends with him for a long time and one day they were having a conversation about something and the question of  "are you gay" came up. When this friend asked Adin paused..not knowing how to answer because since he was young his eyes always gravitated towards every way. So afraid to out himself or be called gay by his friends he replied


Everyone believed him. He believed himself for years after that point and never looked back on it. Until speed came along and asked him that question he decided he was gonna hit up speed.

Speed X Adin RossWhere stories live. Discover now