Chapter one

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Your p.o.v
I lived in a small village just outside of Mobius, when I was five I discovered my abilities, being able to run faster than anyone else. I saw a blue hedgehog save people from badniks as I saw it all over the news on a piece of paper my dad was reading, I told my dad speaking, "Daddy when I grow up I want to be a hero just like him on the paper." My dad smiled as he pats my head saying, "You chase your dreams kiddo." My mom looked at my father as she said, "Honey, do you really think she will be able to do such a thing?" I looked at my mother as my father said, "Yeah if she puts her mind to it she can do anything. Considering she can outrun us." I looked back at my mother as she said, "You have a point dear." My mother later picked me up carrying me to bed as she laid me down on my bed tucking me in as I looked into her crystal blue eyes falling asleep.

Mother's p.o.v
Once she was asleep I walked into the kitchen to clean the dishes as my husband was probably now asleep. Once I had finished the dishes I looked through the window of our house thinking as I wondered if my daughter will be alright when she is grown. I later went to bed but I couldn't exactly sleep cause I was worried about my daughter all night but eventually I got some sleep with the help of my husband. By Morning I woke up early to make breakfast for my husband and our daughter but before I could I felt very exhausted for some reason I couldn't stay standing or awake. I soon collapsed on the floor falling into a deep sleep but I heard my husband call out my name but it sounded muffled.

Father's p.o.v
I woke up hearing a thud as I ran into the kitchen to see my wife on the floor passed out as I desperately called out her name but she wasn't responding. I called the hospital in Mobius as they get to our home in a few hours, taking her to the hospital as I brought my daughter with me to the hospital. When our daughter woke up she looked at me with worried light green eyes, i heard her say, "Is mama going to be okay daddy?" I twiddle my fingers and spoke, "I don't know sweetie but I hope that your mother is okay and she will come out of this deep sleep." I tried to comfort my daughter trying to not make her worry so much but she still did.

Your p.o.v
My father tried to comfort me to keep me from worrying about mama as the hours passed by I soon fell asleep in my fathers arms. I started dreaming about the future but then was woken up by my daddy as I looked at him as he told me that mama was awake. Father carried me into the room that they had mama in as I saw her with an Iv in her arm. She looked so pale as father set me down on her bed she hugged me as I felt upset knowing mama wasn't well. She held me in her arms as she started singing a sweet lullaby to me causing me to fall asleep, she felt slightly cold but warm.

Mother's p.o.v
Once I sang to her she fell asleep as I held her in my arms, I was so proud of her for being so brave about this but I knew that she will miss me deeply if I pass away. I felt that I wasn't going to live to see her grow up and learn to be a hero like she always dreamed of. She had a heart so pure and innocent that I knew she would be a good hero someday. I started to feel cold knowing that my time is almost up, I looked at my husband as I asked him to take her home as he agreed. Once they both had left I felt my life slipping from me, I wanted to hang on just a little longer but chaos had other plans. When I had passed away I was a spirit as I flew to my home to see her crying when she heard the news that I had passed.

Your p.o.v
I was crying so much cause mama was gone and I knew this was going to happen and nothing could bring her back. Daddy was trying his best to keep me calm but nothing was helping me cause mama was gone from my life. I was in my room as I cried myself to sleep, as I was sleeping I saw mama in my dreams as I hugged her tightly I said, "Mama I missed you so much but why did you leave us?" SHe started crying and she spoke, "I'm so sorry I wasn't long for this world please understand my sweet baby girl. I want you to be brave for me, okay. Promise me that you will be brave for me and not cry." I looked at her as I smiled brightly, "I promise mama." I woke up in the morning as daddy was sitting on the couch as I walked up to him as he looked sad.

A few years later....

Father p.o.v
My daughter was now a young adult as she was getting ready to go to Mobius packing her things up in boxes, we were able to get through the loss of her mother. She packed her mother's necklace, putting it in a small box since it was all she had left of her. She had her suitcase with her as she got into the moving truck getting ready to leave. I then walked up the truck door as I spoke, "I'm really going to miss you Kiddo. I hope you have a good life in Mobius, my sweet girl. My you've grown so much, you look very much like your mother."

Your p.o.v
Once I was on the truck my dad told me that he wishes I had a good life in Mobius and that I've grown so much and I look a lot like mom. I smiled at my dad as the truck pulled away from our little town that was far from Mobius. I fell asleep during the ride there in the moving truck but later I woke up as we were at the small house I had paid for to live in. I knew I would be far from family but I've been wanting to come to Mobius since mom died.

Two Speedy Hedgehogs (Sonic The hedgehog x reader)Where stories live. Discover now