The Beginning

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*ring ring* *ring ring*
I checked my phone. *Unknown Number*
Usually i never answer but i did this time and i have no clue why...
"Hello?" i ask shyly.
"Hello there. Is this Blake Smith?" a masculine voice answers.
"Uh.. Yeah. Why?"
"Perfect. I am Tim Burton. A director of Wednesday on Netflix. Can i hire you?"
"Wait... Really!? Hire me for what?"
"To act! Why else? May i have your email?"
"Uh how do you know me? I've never been in any shows, movies- not even ads!"
"I found you on a website or app or something similar. Looking for someone just like you. I can mould you into what i need. You're perfect."
"Oh okay. Um sure heres my email ... Anything else?"
"Thank you. We will discuss more over email. Bye."
He hung up. Dam crap!    I need proof. Hopefully he sends it in the email. I went into google. 'Tim Burton' famous director of Wednesday as he said. This dude is old. 64! He's done some Alice things, Dumbo, the wiered movie about kids, Charlie choc factory.
This dude really is famous! I had no idea he directed these! And some other horror stuff that i haven't seen. I get an email. He does actually proove it's him. He explains it in more detail- thankfully. ROMANIA!!!???? Omg what!? Im in the UK how the fluffballs will i get to Romania!? A plane ticket... This dude is committed. Wait no theres 2. He wants me to bring someone. Well my dad is busy with work and cant afford time off, my mam has to look after my little brother and dog. That leaves my sister. Although i do feel bad leaving. But this is the opportunity if a lifetime! :0 no way can i refuse. Sis it is. Next week the plane leaves. First class! Fancy!

My sis and i finish packing the day before. The day before we go to Romania...
I packed clothes and stuff but also my comfort teddy- Eevee. My other comfort teddy i carry around. I also put my ear defenders in hand luggage. As well as my other fidgets. I was diagnosed with ADHD when i was 6 and ME when i was 14 but i had it since i was 13. I do also use a wheelchair. I hope he knows otherwise this would of all been for nothing. People hate hiring disabled people. Just how it works.

We arrive at Romania. At the airport. Long goddam flight. But it was super comfy. In my wheelchair- my sis pushing and a flight attendant person has our suitcases. We meet a random dude holding up my name on cardboard. I've only seen this in movies! I feel strange, anyways...
He leads us to a limo! A goddam shiny black long limo! He puts our suitcases and my wheelchair in the boot and me and my sis get in the back. Its super big!

We're at the hotel. We unpack and i put Eevee on my bed. I take Dusk out. We explore the place and we seperate. I got lost- of course. And my sis rings me.
"Where are you? Don't tell me you got lost?"
I giggle, "No no! Of course not! I am just uhh in nature and plants n stuff. You know?.
"Mmhmm. Sure. Call if you need me."
"Okay. Byee love you!" and she hung up.
I wheel around with my teddy- Dusk- on my knee. Luckily i look young- still like a young teen- and people avoid me because of my wheelchair situation. Anyways i end up getting more lost. And... Wait. That looks like Nevermore from Wednesday.
I look around for the source of the voice, "Uh hi?"
"Oh! Sorry you can't see me. Hold on." a girl walks to where i can see.
My jaw drops, i grab Dusk tightly, "Omg."
She giggles, "I know you probably know me but hi. I'm Jenna. You?"
It takes a few minutes to process and i stutter a bit.
"I'm Blake. Oh my god i can't believe you're here! I love you so much!" i fangirl- can ya blame me?.
She just waits for me to stop, "You lost?"
"Uh maybe?" i get emberassed.
"Where are you staying?"
I tell her the hotel name and she looks shocked, "Thats where me and the cast are staying! I can take you! I'm on break anyways. Do you want me to push you?"
"Cool! Uh no it's okay! I can manage."
She shruggs and walks slightly in front of me but next to me, "Does your teddy have a name?"
"Dusk. Does yours?" i noticed she was carrying a gerbil or hamster.
She says something but i don't hear. My head falls back and it is dark.

I wake up on a bed. I open my eyes and squint at the brightness. My brain objects so my eyes open anyways. It looks like a hospital room. I'm in hospital? Peculiar. My arms push me body so i sit up.
"Jenna!" a girl shouts outside the door.
"Hi! I'm Emma! Who are you?"
I blink a few times- speechless.
"Emma Myers!? You play Enid in Wednesday?"
She laughs a bit, "Yeah. You met Jenna right?"
"Mmhmm. I'm Blake." i look around, "Where's Dusk!?"
"My blue dragon teddy."
She shruggs and the door opens.
"Oh im so happy you're okay!" Jenna sounds relieved.
"I feel dead. Maybe i am. I dunno meeting you two feels like i'm in Heaven or dreaming. So yeah dont mind my skep skepit- no i cant say that. Nevermind. Hi." i ramble.
They look at me and blink then shrugg it off.
"Okay... I'm gonna assume that means you are okay?" Emma looks at me- i shrugg.
"Oh! Do you know where Dusk is?"
"Your dragon teddy?" Jenna asks in comfirmation. I nodd.
"Yeah. It's just outside. I'll get it."
She goes and gets him and returns a minute later, she gives them to me.
"Thanks." i say quietly and hug Dusk to my chest. I cross my legs and sit more comfy.
"So where are we?"
"You didn't tell her?" Emma gets slightly annoyed.
"She passed out what was i supposed to do!?" Jenna replies in the same tone.
I sit quietly not wanting to interrupt.
Someone sighs, "Blake you are in the nurses office on set."
I look up at them and nodd. My energy just majourly depleted.
"Are you okay?"
"Hmm." i shrugg and nodd even though i'm not. They look kinda sad but i have no energy- what can i do?.
"I need to call my sis so she knows i'm not dead or arrested." i explain grabbing my phone out my hoody pocket.
They nodd, Emma leaves saying she has to film or something.
"Ugh stupid phone." it didn't go through so i ring again.
"You can sit you know?"
She 'oh's and sits on the end of the bed.
My sis answers.
"Finally. So-"
"Blake where are you! It's been an hour! You hate going out alone!"
"You done?" i sigh.
She stays silent so i speak, "So you know Jenna Ortega? Yeah from Wednesday. She found me and i fainted- but i'm okay! And now we're on set."
"You don't start until 2 days away stupid."
"Shockin. May as well do it now."
"She doesn't know why you're there does she?"
"Shut up Layla. Ok love you bye."
"Ugh bye."
"Ah ah ah! Love you!?"
"You are so annoying-"
"I know."
"I love you. Bye."
She hangs up.
"So? Your sister right?"
"Yeah. She's called Layla and she's 21."
"How old are you?"
"Just turned 18."
"Cool. Happy late birthday." She smiles at me.
"Thanks. Don't you have to film now? You are the main character..."
"Shit! Yeah i gotta go. You wanna come watch?" Jenna realises, i flinch at the swear word.
"Can you walk?"
I nodd and stand up, "Yes but slowly and not for a big distance."
I wobble so she grabs me by instinct. I blush and realize she doesn't know she is holding me.
"Uh could you let go?" i whisper- embarassed.
She shruggs and does- either good at hiding it or she doesn't care that she was holding me.
"Come on." She leads me too fast but oh well.
I walk my speed and sit against a wall behind cameras- opposite the way they point.
I play games on my phone whilst the actors where getting makeup costume on whatever. It takes ageeeessssss! I've already swapped games 4 times! I put my phone away- bored. I grab my fidget toy the tangley one and rest Dusk on my knee. That keeps me occupied for a while. Then i hear deep laughing. My eyes move towards the sound. A dude in a fully blue costume minus the hand- Thing. He plays Thing. Creepy hand.
I jump a meter in the air and look around terrified. Then i spot her.
"Emma!? Or should i say Enid to keep you in character? Do not ever do that again! Otherwise make sure you sleep with your eyes open... Like i do." i get annoyed and threaten her slightly.
"Woah. See ya later." She backs away slowly- clearly scared. I laugh a bit and she pouts at me.

Jenna Ortega x Emma Myers x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora