"Yeah. I guess I could do that." Trent says, walking away.

"Hmm. That was easy." Chase says. Trent walks over to the football players.

"Come on, guys, we're taking this outside. And we're gonna need some tackling dummies..." Trent turns to Leo and Chase. Kyle pulls me behind him as the football players run over to Chase and Leo and they grab them and carry them outside while they scream.


"Man, I can't stand Trent," Chase says as he, Kyle, Leo, and I walk into the living room after coming home from school. "Why do we have to help him pass his test?"

"Because he's big and we're small. Because Perry likes him and hates us. Because he has all the power and we don't." Leo says. "I could go on and on and on."

"You know, since he needs our help, technically we have the power in the situation. We control what he learns." Chase says.

"Ah, yes. I'm gonna speak in a tone that suggests I know where you're going with this, but wait for you to tell me more." Leo says.

"These are Davenglasses," Chase says, holding a pair of high-tech glasses.

"Gee, someone needs to have their name on everything," I say, taking the glasses.

"They're a subliminal learning device that helps the user rapidly memorize any programmed information," Chase explained. "Here, check out demo mode." I put on the glasses and Chase presses a button on the side.

"The world knows Donald Davenport as the most successful tech mogul of Silicon Valley, but he's so much more. A true fashionista, he's even able to make sequins manly. Let's have a look." I hear Mr. Davenport's voice say on the glasses.

"No, let's not have a look," I say, taking the glasses off and handing them back to Chase. "Okay, those are cool and all, but how are they gonna help us with Trent?"

"We'll get even with him by programming the glasses with fake facts," Chase says.

"The glasses said that Mr. Davenport looks manly. They're already filled with fake facts." I say.


"In a world overtaken by warm bread, one man must take on baked goods alone. Adam Davenport is...the toastmaster." Adam says. A piece of toast pops up from a toaster and Adam uses his heat vision to burn the toast. He rolls on the floor and disintegrates another piece of toast that popped out of another toaster he set up in the lab. He sits on a wheely chair and burns another piece of toast.

"Hey, Adam. What do you think of my hair?" Bree asks, walking into the lab. When Adam turns around, he accidentally burns one side of Bree's hair with his heat vision.

"I hope you kept your receipt, 'cause it looks uneven," Adam says. Bree runs over to the console and looks at her reflection in a toaster. She screams.

"What did you do?!"

"I did what I had to do. Your hair was collateral damage to a world gone mad!" Adam exclaimed.

"The yearbook picture is tomorrow. What am I supposed to do about my hair?" Bree says.

"Well, for starters, you should put on a hat. It's really offensive." Adam says. "Why don't you just go back to the salon and get the same haircut on the other side?"

"You burned it off! A salon can't fix this!" Bree says.

"Well, then why are you paying 'em all that money?" Adam says. Mr. Davenport walks into the lab.

Lab Rats Season 2 जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें