( after 1 hour, doctor came from the room, and hobi get up and walk towards the doctor, during the whole one hours he is crying and sobbing, mr. min and mrs, try to clam him down even jimin but no one can do that. hobi face look so pale and his eyes got red too,)

doctor : he is awake now, you guyz can see him now

thank you doctor,
( after thet the doctor left, then hobi enter the room. mr and mrs min still Wait outside because they know their children very much, how much they need each other now, so they let them be, )

hyung are you okay...

hobi... iam fine, don't cry baby.

ya how can i not, when you are like this.

hmm, why do you came anyway, you still angry at me right?

ya min fucking yoongi!! iam still angry at you, but i forgive you.



then can you kiss me.


why (  pout)

aish this hyung, fine but you need to tell me how this accident happend.

ahh its ahh... even i don't remember.

seriously! i can't believe, ya min yoongi you need to more carefully on towards, you know that iam not only one who is worried sick about you.

hmm i know my parents...

ya iam not mean them, ahh i know they also will be worried but i mean our babys,

ohh... ya i forget,

( then they both kiss each other, and hobi lay beside yoongi in the bed, they both cuddle each other, suddenly jin open the door with shouting,

with in second jimin come after jin and yell at him HOBI IS WITH HIM HYUNG, DON'T SHOUT!!!


wait.. what plan

ahmm nothing hoba, just...

( hobi get up  from bed and look at yoonminjin )


(jimin)its nothing hobi, he is just blabbering, don't mind him,

(jin) ya i just you know...

(yoongi) ya, omg i feel pain in my heart.

(hobi) ya you okay hyung,

(y) yes, baby iam totally fine.

( suddenly namjoon enter the room with doctor unform and stared to laughs, omg i can't believe hobi you believe me 🤣, i can't imaging me being a doctor, thankz to the mask if without mask you will find me right 🤣and i hardly make my sound change, anway finally everything is settled right )

(jin) wrong time joonie!!
(yoonmin ) face Palm

( rm) ohh iam i really late 😅, so hobi how is my acting.

meanwhile hobi is fuming in anger and he shout at them. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?

(rm ) so i really messed up

(yoonminjin)very much.

(rm ) hehe, someone called me !!

(hobi ) wait there, you are the one who treated yoongi hyung? then.. shit!! ya min yoongi! get up from the bed or else iam gonna kill you.

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