Evan Buckley.

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Readers pov:

I haven't been feeling good lately. And my Boyfriend being a firefighter was really worried about me. I was being stubborn and not letting him make sure I was okay.

It had gotten so bad where it was at the point I only ate supper. Because I know as soon as I eat I'm gonna throw up.

I work with Bucks older sister Maddie, and I think she told Buck that I wasn't eating, because he's been asking me the last time I ate so ill just come up with a lie. But I know he doesn't believe me so he'll just make me a sandwich or something.


"Baby are you not hungry?"

"No.." I knew better to even try. It all ends up with me throwing up.

"Babe you have to eat something. You look sick"

"Evan, I'm fine." I say walking to the couch.

"Okay.." I look at him confused, he never gives up that easy.

"I just don't wanna pick a fight." He explained.

"Can we cuddle then?" I hear him chuckle.

"Always." He says as he's coming to the couch and opening his arms wide for me go lay with him.


That night I woke up in a sweat, feeling like I had to throw up. My boyfriend is a heavy sleeper so he didn't feel me getting off the bed.
I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water and that's when it hit me.

I ran to the bathroom and quick as I can shut the door and locked it, and right after that I started throwing up.

I must've woke Buck up because within a minute or so he was knocking on the bathroom door.

"Babe are you okay? Let me in." He says wiggling the door knob.

"I'm fine Buck just go lay back down."

"Let me in first." He insisted.

"I'll be in there in just a second baby."

"Are you okay at least?"

"Yeah I'm fine.."

I heard him sigh then I could tell he was walking away.

All of a sudden it hit me.
I haven't had my period this month.
To say I started freaking out would be a understatement.

I reached underneath the cabinet, and pulled out 3 pregnancy tests.


It's been about 15 minutes now and I flipped the tests one by one

One read "negative" the next one read "positive" the next one will conform..
I flipped it over and it read "positive"

I started sobbing. I was so scared he was gonna leave me.
I was scared he didn't wanna be a dad.
I guess I started crying to loud

"Okay let me in now. You've been in there to long."

"Buck just go away please."

" nope you're crying. Y/n unlock the door or I'm going to literally kick it down."

"Go back to bed Buck."

"Okay kicking the door down it is."

I just sighed, and got up and unlocked it.

He rushed in not even a second after it being unlocked.

"Okay, gonna tell me what's wrong?"

I point to the pregnancy test.

"I'm pregnant." I say as I start crying again

"Wait what?" He says as he picks up the tests

"I'm so sorry!" I sat down on the floor with my head in my hands.

"What are you sorry for?! I'm gonna be a dad!!" He started jumping up and down.

"Wait what? You're not mad?" I say completely confused.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"I'd never be mad at you for being pregnant.
I've always wanted to be a dad. And I know you're going to be the best mommy." He said giving a sweet kiss

I smile through my tears.

"I'm gonna be a mom!" I said as he pulls me into a huge hug.

"You're gonna be a mom!"

Hey guys!!
I hope yall enjoyed the first oneshot!!
Thank you all for reading my first book!!
Comment if you have any requests!

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