"hulk in front he doesn't have a reason to fight but Alonso is tailing"

fuck me.

I pull exactly the same move on hulk in the following corner, hoping that it would hold Alonso up enough. but he glided past seamlessly on the next straight. I let out a loud groan over the radio hoping it would give the team a laugh at my frustrations. Alonso is the biggest pain in my ass. the whole season he has not let up on me, trying me at every corner, holding me back on every straight. there is no denying he is a good driver but that doesn't make him any less of a dickhead. with each overtake I make he just seems to follow as if the other drivers are letting him through for the chase.

"only Vettel and Hamilton ahead. keep Alonso focused on the only thing the media likes to talk about" I let out a loud laugh

"getting fucked by me?" my words breathless from exhaustion only three laps left of the race and the engine heating the cockpit not making it any better

Ali laughs over the line "I was going to say your behind, but whatever works for you Davidson"

the fucker has taken up position on my right rear wing, begging for the inside line, going wheel to wheel racing. I practise the breathing I had been over so many times with dunn, as I clenched my hands harder against the wheel. I have no interest in letting Alonso take the position from me, wanting to be on the podium for the championship win. our wheels were now basically touching and I knew I would have to back out and just hope to take the position back in the next lap.

I play it safe through the corner, moving my car to allow space for him to pass. instead of taking the opportunity, Alonso breaks late. any chance at the championship flash before my eyes like a movie I never got to see. Ali's voice screams down the line telling me to back out as if I hadn't already given him the space that he needed.

alonso's front wing makes contact with my tyre, completely fucking my race, sending me into the gravel with a burst tyre. I jerk the steering wheel making sure to re-enter the track safety but not before button, Rosberg, Kubica, petrov and Alonso had passed me.

nobody dared to speak down the line to me and a string of swear words fell out of my mouth. "did nobody else see that? the fucking twat did it on purpose, I gave him the room and he wants to play fucking bumper cars. what does he think this is?"

"its been reported but I don't think there is anything we can do except get the position back"

but not even that was possible. I take the corners slightly safer due to my burst rear tyre now causing sparks along the pavement. the crowd is already cheering as I pass the checked flag but it wasn't for me it was for my teammate having just one the championship.

I flicked my visor up using my gloved hand to wipe the stray tears that were falling down my cheeks. I knew I had to put on my media smile to celebrate my teammate.

"Davidson that's p8! a one two in the championship! massive congrats on your rookie season. sorry for what happened out there today. you drove great! we will see you in the pit"

"massive work from everyone today. its been a great season, thanks for working with me and continue to push each week. I know what this takes from all of you and I more than appreciate the work you put in. congrats to the team and a massive congrats to seb! lets get the celebrations going when I get back, yeah?"

"too right Davidson. the guys are all waiting for you here. just take your time"

I take my time thanking each member of the team, before jumping into the arms of my teammate celebrating our one – two. we knew before the race that there would be one of us left disappointed but that is just how the game goes. it was my time to accept the things I couldn't change.

getting to the podium the crowd was already rows thick but each and every member of the redbull team pulled me to the front, prime position to see my teammate on the podium. the four pilots were also stood front row watching on with excitement. it wasn't like me to stick around for podiums I wasn't on, usually heading back to my room not wanting to be bothered.

"dee" steve o shouted noticing my presence next to him. pulling me in for a tight hug and placing me down between him and Knoxville. he never really knew what to say when things didn't go my way but by being here I knew I had his full support.

"it should be you up there darlin' youll get them next year though" Knoxville spoke, his words drawn out with his southern accent. he places a soft kiss on the top of my head before letting me move towards bam and dunn. bam pulls me in tight muttering the similar things to johnny but the noise of the crowd was overpowering his voice.

"he's a fucking dick" was all dunn says as he hugs me too. I stay there standing between Knoxville and dunn, waiting for my teammate to be called up onto the stadium. dunn slung his arm over my shoulders not caring that I was basically drenched in sweat, it wasn't something that he ever found gross. I mean there wasn't a lot that he found gross really. the camera zooms in on the group of us and the boys all offer a happy wave and I just stuck one finger up to the sky in support of seb.

the media usually focused on us when the guys came to a race. they weren't faces usually seen around these events and we weren't personalities that were usually accepted her. I basically had a target written on my back since the day I signed for redbull. being the first women to enter the sport, and at the young age of nineteen already brought a lot of media attention and not really the positive kind. now add on growing up with the cast of jackass having stared in one of their movies, it was really a recipe for ridicule.

there are many rules that a women is expected to follow and the race track was no exception.

i should be polite, accommodating, and submissive. there is no place for my opinion or expressions of emotion. especially not here and not on the cover of every newspaper and magazine.

but if the guys ever taught me anything it was to not live by the rules.

please let me know your thoughts!!

i will be working on this and my other story beyond the grid - max verstappen

beyond measure - lewis hamiltonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat