A fateful phone call

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"Since when!?How!?Why-"
"That's irrelevant at the moment.All you need to know is I have it under control."

The werewolf thought to protest and point out how very not in control she was last time she attempted to solve a crime,but opted to hold off on it,at least until Wednesday told her why she was calling.

"So what?You want me to find you a date?Cause I'm good,but you're..kind of an acquired taste."
"No need,I wanted to ask you to pretend to be.."


Wednesday took a deep breath.The words were unpleasant and sticky,like when chocolate sticks to your tongue and ruins everything you eat afterward.

"My girlfriend."
"If you and Ajax are on board,of course.If not,I'm sure I'll be able to find someone else-"
"Uhh..Weds,we broke up.."
"Ah.I see."she said,turning towards Thing "Consigue la pistola de clavo."
"No need to get the nail gun.It was mutual."

Wednesday sighed.

"You assumed by my tone I'm guessing?"
"Bingo.You just sounded more dead inside than usual."
"May I know why you two ended your relationship?"
"I'd rather not talk about it.So,when's the the party?"
"In 3 hours or so."
"You waited last minute?"
"As you said,I'm an acquired taste."
"What do I wear?Do I have to get a black dress?Do I have time!?Should I just dye one of my dresses black!?Should I-"
"Relax,Sinclair.Your company alone will suffice."


Enid smiled,snorting.

"Did Wednesday Addams just give me a compliment?"
"Don't get use to it.I'll be picking you up in a hour."
"Wait how will you-"
"IP address."

And just like that,she hung up.Enid scoffed.They're gonna have a talk about boundaries.

It seemed the fight ended,as her brothers walked out of the dinning room,tails between their legs.

"Nice going Darron."
"You started it Collin!"
"Both of you shut it."

The bickering continued on and Enid slowly started backing away,until Alec grabbed her by the wrist.

"Don't even think about it,missy.You left me to suffer back there.You're spilling."
"Fine..Wednesday called me."
"That girl you can't shut up about!?"Beck exclaimed.

Darron and Collin perked up as well.

"What did she want?"
"She wants me to pretend to be her girlfriend for a night."

Collin and Darron turned to eachother,all wiggling eyebrows and Cheshire Cat grins.

"Pretend..That's how it always starts."
"Stop it."
"Mom's gonna be pissed."

"About what?"

The siblings turned to see their mother standing in the doorway,arms crossed,brow raised.

"Enid's going on a date with Wednesday Addams."
"It's a fake date."
"I don't think that's happening.Fake or no."

Before Enid could say a word,Collin spoke up.

"But Mum,what if she meets a boy there?"
"Meeting and getting together with are completely different.I won't have her wasting her time."
"Or you can just view it as broadening my options."

Of pastels and monochrome حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن