When I finished, I put my dishes in the sink, and as I was doing so I heard a familiar car horn honking out at me. A smile flitted across my face, and I rushed outside.

I ignored my dad (who had been drinking coffee and reading the newspaper) who laughed and shook his head affectionately.

I practically leaped off the porch and into the arms of my best friend, Ryan Forge.

Ryan embraced me and the scent of cypress and eucalyptus with a slight hint of bergamot filled my senses creating a calming sensation across my form making me attempt to bury myself into him further

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Ryan embraced me and the scent of cypress and eucalyptus with a slight hint of bergamot filled my senses creating a calming sensation across my form making me attempt to bury myself into him further.

Ryan laughed and said "I missed you too Lily" I briefly pulled away to smile up at him. Ryan was tall, with a slightly lean but athletic body and was taller than me by a few inches so my face rested on his pec and couldn't reach his shoulder without assistance.

His face was slightly angular and reminded me of the Greek statues. His skin was fair and smooth without blemishes or beauty marks, and his lips were nicely plump and kissable. His hair was messy and curly dark brown. Then there was his eyes.....

The eyes that reminded me why green was my favorite color.

My face flushed as I realized that I'd been staring at him silently for a good 20 minutes, and I buried my face into his chest again. Little did I know that he'd been staring at me the same way the entire time.

My dad suddenly came out and walked down the stairs "Ryan! I figured that was you, good to see you son" my dad said as I separated myself from Ryan and allowed them to grasp hands and army hug each other "What brings you to our house so early in the morning?" Dad asks and Ryan shyly smiles before saying "I couldn't sleep much last night, so I got up early and figured that I'd come over early and ask if Lily needed a lift since she's still working on her learner's permit."

Dad nods and looks to me "Well, Lils? You wanna ride with Ryan or Bella?" I didn't even hesitate to say "Just let me go get my bag!" And quickly darted inside making both men laugh at my eagerness.

A few moments later I came out and kissed my dad's cheek "Bye dad! Have a good day at work and be safe!" Dad laughed and said "I always am, you have a good first day. I'll see you at the diner!" I climbed into Ryan's impala and we drove off.

 I'll see you at the diner!" I climbed into Ryan's impala and we drove off

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We talked about my permit and the car that I would be driving. Dad's old corvette from high school.

When we arrived at the school, we got my paperwork and Ryan showed me my locker and where my classes were

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When we arrived at the school, we got my paperwork and Ryan showed me my locker and where my classes were. We then walked out and sat on the hood of his car and chatted as the parking lot slowly filled up.

Two boys suddenly approached us making me scoot closer to Ryan as I grew shy around the newcomers.

The first was about two inches taller than Ryan and had blonde hair with baby blue eyes and tan skin. He radiated the aura of a golden retriever and seemed to be the 'nice guy'.

The second was maybe an inch shorter and had a dark skin in a milk chocolate tone with dark hair and eyes and seemed to be a genuine person and possibly a bit of a momma's boy. He definitely respected women and put them on a pedestal.

The second one gave me a kind smile which eased me up until the first one said "Yo Ryan! Who's the babe? You finally got a girlfriend?" Ryan shot him a dirty look and wrapped a protective arm around me "Mike, Tyler this is Lily Swan. The sheriff's youngest daughter" the way he phrased it screamed that I was untouchable to Mike who frowned almost looking disappointed.

"Whoa! Wait- You're Lily?! Like the Lily?" Tyler asked making me confused until Tyler says "Ryan talks about you all the time! There's like a freaking heated debate over your existence in Forks!" I turned to Ryan who is blushing just as much if not harder than I am.

"You talk about me?" I asked softly "Uhm, yeah, a little bit" he admits " 'A little bit'? More like all the time! Not that I can blame him, you're hot!" Mike butts in making me a little uncomfortable and bury myself into Ryan's chest. Ryan holds me to his chest and leans over to shove Mike who he now deems to be too close for comfort "Dude! Seriously! Shut up! Lily's obviously uncomfortable and off limits!" I hear Tyler hiss at him.

Before anymore can be said, the bell rings signaling the start of class. We head inside only to be cut off by Bella who practically trips in her heels to catch up to us.

I cringe at her outfit and frown as she starts talking to Ryan and ignoring everyone else who looks at her as if she's on display at a circus "Hey Ryan, long time no see" she says as she twirls her hair and flutters her eyelashes at him

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I cringe at her outfit and frown as she starts talking to Ryan and ignoring everyone else who looks at her as if she's on display at a circus "Hey Ryan, long time no see" she says as she twirls her hair and flutters her eyelashes at him.

Ryan shifts uncomfortably and says "Uhhh, hi? I'm sorry, do I know you?" I coughed as I tried to hold back a laugh as Bella deflated "It's me, Bella, I know that I really grew and filled out but...." Ryan continues to give her a confused look as I have tears pricking at my eyes from holding back the laughter "Bella Swan? The sheriffs daughter??" Bella tries again making something finally click in Ryan's brain.

"Oh! Isabella! Lily's big sister!" Ryan blurted out and by this point I was slightly wheezing at Bella's offended facial expression "It's just Bella now" Ryan nods and says "Oh, cool..." he then clicks his tongue awkwardly and says "Well, it's good to see you again" before turning to me and saying "Let's head to class, Lil's" Bella looks floored and pissed as we pass by her. She glared at me as I'm tucked underneath Ryan's arm and I can't help the feeling of pride and confidence that floods me.

Lily- 1, Bella-0.

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