Chapter 38: The Real Despina

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“WHO are you?” I asked. She did not bother to stop running at all. I also did not bother to stop running after her. I need to run fast and grab this kids’ hands.

I got a very big feeling that she holds the answer to all of my questions, and if I don't get the chance to talk to her, everything will be in vain and I know, I know for sure that whatever's coming, I will be in doom.

This kid got some stamina and is very fast, how come she can run this fast with that figure she have? Plus her huge dress that doesn't really fit for a little kid like her. But, thinking that I am in somewhat danger, I pick up my pace and almost grab the little girls hand when I caught another familiar figure at the side which cause me to trip from a pebble and I laid straight on the ground.

“You can stand up now,” I was startled when a little girls voice whispers on my ear. And there she is, sitting in front of me with a smile on her face.

The little girl who I was chasing earlier stood up and hugged her teddy bear tight.

“Who are you?”

“I’m you,”

“What?” She cutely chuckled at my response and twirls around. A gust of wind dances with her, as if guiding her. It was, sort of enchanting to see.

She stopped and looked at me, slowly lifting her long bangs and placed it at the back of her right ear. Her sparkling violet eyes with full of life shine upon me and it startled me.

“Hello, ********. You’ve changed me completely I see,” she smiled. My tears suddenly fell from my eyes when I saw her whole face, that's when I remember where I saw her.

The little girl has a huge and glamourous picture displayed on the hallway of the Marquessate. This little girl, this little girl is none other than Despina herself!

“Why? Why are you here?” I asked, still in tears. I cannot believe what I am seeing right now. Once again she chuckled and swirled.

“Why are you crying? That doesn't look good on you. Well, let's say a friend helped me,” she answered.

I don't have any words to say. I can't even stop my tears from falling at all. Why am I crying? Is it because of the thought that she's here to take back her body and life? What will happen to me now? What about the people who is close to my heart? What about my life as Despina? What about Nicholas? Will she really take everything back?

“Are you here... to... take your life back?” I asked, trying to calm down and accept the reality. I mean, this is her body after all. This is her life, it is only plausible that she takes it back. For all I know, I was the one who trespassed at all.

“Hmm? Oh I wish I could, I missed my family, like really!” she answered and stopped. She looked at her teddy bear and started crying.

“You know what? This teddy bear was father's first gift to me. I really begged him to buy me this one, I throw a fit all over the Marquessate ahahaha. I never got to thank him for all of the love and wealth he has given me, never,” she said and showed me the teddy bear again. She hurriedly wiped her tears and took something out of her pockets.

“And oh! Oh! This? This?” She showed me a necklace, and a bracelet. “This was given by my older brother and sister who were twins! They said they bought it after going on a journey together, hehehe,” she chuckled. She then proceeds in pulling a box underneath her dress.

“And this? This are pendants! They really resembles the twins eyes! They're yellow like the sun! Right? Right? I don't really like them, but they're my family. I instantly bought this to give them for their birthday, I guess I didn't get the chance. And I also bought a sword for Benedict! He loves swords, and even if he teases me everyday, he's nice. And look! This dress? This was bought by my most loveliest mother! She said I look good in violet because of my hair and eyes. Heheheh,” she showed me everything that has a very big meaning to her. Her smiles instantly fades and cried again while staring at those things.

“You see, I really wanna hug them all and say how much I love them even though I acted all bitch all this time. But,” she stopped and looked at me. Amidst all those tears, she smile at me. With a sad smile she continued, “I can't take back my life. I'm already dead, I don't belong to this world anymore. AHAHAHA,”

I can't stop crying while hearing her stories and how she show off all of those gifts she deemed as her treasures nothing can compare.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn't mean to take your life from you, I promise, I didn't mean it. I also died, and I just... I got... I instantly met this angel who gives me a second chance I... I just wanna live again,” I explained while crying hoping she understands and that I really didn't mean to take her life from her.

“I know. Don't worry, I know. And it's not your fault at all, I was the one who died, and I caused my death. You don't have to feel burden at all. But... would it be okay if I can have my body back for just a day? I just... I wanna say goodbye to my family before I go, please?”  She begged and kneeled at me.

Oh my god. Please don't. I hurriedly hugged her and nodded. The moment her body met mine, my eyes instantly shuts down.

[ Despina's Point of View ]

“My lady! Are you okay?” I opened my eyes and turned around to see who is shouting, and a young man dressed in a butler suite is currently running towards me. I raise my hands to clearly see it, I spread my legs out to also see them. I touched my face, I can touch the tears.

‘Am I... is this my body?’

“What are these things?” I raised my head and the young man is already standing in front of me, breathing very fast while staring at the things scattered in front me. The moment I saw them, I instantly picked them up and hugged them.

“Please go back to the Marquessate, I'll see you there,” I hurriedly said and without a word, I teleported in front of the Marquessates’ door. It still look so majestic as ever.

“You’re back, My Lady!” a little girl shouted in happiness when she saw me. If I remember correctly, this is Lily. Boy, she is all big now.

“Hello, Lily. Please excuse me,” I greeted her and runs inside the Marquessate to see my home again.

tamadsiakuma. ♡

The Young Lady of SwertuanfelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon