🦋❤️part 16❤️🦋

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Author's pov

Two days later~~

Its been two days since taekook got engaged Today kim and jeon family are going temple

Tae was getting ready that's when Jiminie come to her room

Jiminie; baby are you ready

Tae; yes mumma

Jiminie; then lets go bear they already waiting for you

Tae; they come??

Jiminie; yeah some minutes ago...now lets go

Tae nodded

They both went downstairs kook saw tae is coming looking cute in kurti he put his hand on his chest

Jungkook; hayee...she will be death of me someday
"Mumble to himself"

Tae saw him and wink at him kook act like he got heart attack

Mrs kim; Jungkook dear what happened huh!? Why did you put your hand on your heart is something happened??

Jungkook sit straight nervously smile at everyone..... Tae give him teasing smile and sit on couch

Jaehyung; nothing happened to him mrs kim just after see your granddaughter's beauty he got heart attack

Mrs kim; ohhhh
"Teasing tone"

Everyone give teasing look to kook who just wanted to hide somewhere while tae was controlling her laugh after seeing kook's face

Jungkook; ab amm a....w-we should go...we are getting late

Said this he get up and went outside hurriedly all chuckled and went outside too

All sit in car and drove away to temple

After sometimes later they reached temple all come out of car

Mrs jeon; who will go and bring pooja'a thal (plate)?

Tae; I will go and bring it you all go inside

Jinnie; take kook with you

Tae; no mom I will bring it you all go

Mrs kim; lets go she will bring it

All nodded and went inside temple tae went to take pooja's thal but she saw one boy was forcing a girl to marry him that girl was crying and trying to get out of that boy's hold

No one was there as all was inside temple... She immediately went to them...and free that girl from boy's hold

Tae slapped that boy....he fall on floor and glare at tae

Boy; aye girl who are you?? And why are you stoping our marriage?

Tae; you're forcing her to marry you

Boy; don't come in between us...let me marry her

Tae; never...people like you deserve jail....don't you have shame huh!? Why are you forcing her

Boy; I love her....she will be only mine you go....or else....!!

Tae; or else what will you do huh!? I'm not scare of people like you

Girl; please save me from him please I beg you
"Said while crying"

Tae; don't worry he will not do anything to you hmm!?
"Softly said"

That boy was about to punch tae but before that she kicked on his......member....that boy hissed in pain and again fall on floor


Here all was waiting for tae but.... She didn't come

Jiminie; why she didn't come yet??

Hoseok; don't know.... Lets go and check

All nodded and went outside of temple they saw one of women was crying and her husband was comforting her

Jinnie; should we go to them?

Mrs jeon; but what about tae!?

Jiminie; lets wait there

All nodded and went to that crying women and her husband

Mrs kim; what happened mr?? Why is your wife crying??

That man; our daughter got kidnapped

All gasp

That women; i'm telling you honey this is all that jai did

That man; i'm also thinking same

Jungkook; mom there come tae

All saw tae was coming with a girl who was crying

Jiminie; who is that girl??

That women look toward tae and saw

That women; honey our princess is there
"Smile widely"

Jinnie; is she is your daughter??

That man; yes

That girl saw her parents and run toward them while tae went to her mother

That women; where was you huh!? You know how much worry we are!?

Tae; someone was trying to marry her forcely

All; what!?

Tae; yes

That man; who was that bastard tell me

That girl; j-jai

That women; look honey I said na he is the only who take our daughter

Girl look at Tae with teary eyes

Girl; thank you..... Thank you so much for saving me....if you didn't come on time maybe he m-married me

Tae; don't say thank you..... But you should learn how to stand for yourself.... One day there will be no one to save you..... You're only will be your saver..... So try to fight back with this type of boys hmm!?

That girl nodded yoonminsoek look at their daughter with proud smile.... Yoongi and hoseok always taught tae to how to fight...while Jiminie taught tae to how to be sassy

Tae; by the way what is your name

Girl; mahira

Tae; nice name my name is taehyungi... Wanna be friends??

Mahira; sure taehyungi

That man; thank you so much dear for saving my daughter

Tae; no problem uncle

That women come to her and peck tae's forehead

That women; god bless you my child

All smiled

That man; hun we should go now

That women; yeah.....who is your mother darling??

Tae point at Jiminie that women went Jiminie and held her hand

That women; you're vey lucky to have daughter like her

Jiminie; yes I am

That women smile and leave Jiminie's hand

Mahira and her parents went away yoonminsoek hugged tae

Yoonminsoek; we are proud of you princess/angel/baby

Tae hugged them back they all back away kook come with pooja thal

Then all of them went inside temple


To be countiued..................................

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