Nine: Juvenile Misery

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My head pounded, a pulsating lingering pain that shot daggers into my eyes and made me question my life choices. My alarm blared through the room and my arm smacked out to silence it, but I only succeeded in knocking it off of my nightstand. I groaned, my throat felt like sandpaper and my tongue thick and heavy. I was in a horrible mood when I finally stumbled into the shower, and to top it all off, the female hormone monster was making her monthly visit. My stomach twisted, feeling like someone was scraping my insides with a rusty spoon. I spent as long as I could in the shower before I forced myself out, cleaning up and going through my daily routine. I did feel a bit better after, the warm water and steam clearing my head some. Tying a towel around myself, I wiped the mirror off and grimaced at my reflection. I looked awful. My skin was a sickly pale, my eyes slightly dull and unfocused with purple bags underneath them. Despite the fun we had last night, I was definitely regretting it now. I sighed and dabbed on a touch of foundation, just enough to get me through the day, along with a swipe of mascara. My whole body hurt worse than it ever had before while on my period, and I rubbed at the brand on my thigh, a deep pulsing ache emanating from the area. I frowned but shook off my worries, saving them for later.

I had just finished throwing on sweats and a baggy t-shirt when I heard a light knock on my bedroom door. Stumbling over the mess of clothes on my floor, I yanked it open, finding Carina there with a mug of coffee and a bagel smeared with cream cheese. She had a knowing look on her face as I greedily reached for the cup, barely able to hold back a moan of pleasure. "How did you know?"

She smiled. "Female Syrena give off a particular scent when its time to....mate."

I barely managed to not spray my coffee all over her. I figured she would say something like, "Oh we heard you slamming things around and cursing like a sailor."

"What?!" I gasped, wiping my chin on my robe. "What the hell does that mean?"

She inclined her head, her blond hair falling over one shoulder. "If you'd permit me entrance, I will tell you." Rolling my eyes at her teasing tone, I stepped aside. She sent the food down on my desk and sat on my bed, her silver-blue gaze steady as she studied me. This was getting weird, I thought to myself, eyeing her warily over my coffee cup. But if I was shocked before, it was nothing compared to what I would feel when she next spoke.

"I should probably also add that most females do not go into heat until after they meet their intended mate." I choked on air, my palms immediately sweaty.

"I have a hangover....." I tentatively and weakly said, cringing at the dangerous gleam in her eyes.

She crossed one leg over the other. "I let it go yesterday because I knew you needed time to process, but now we need to talk about why you have been keeping secrets from your mother and I, and more importantly, stupidly putting yourself in extreme danger."

My mouth gaped open and closed like a fish struggling to breathe. "I um, I didn't think you guys would tell me anything. She saved me that day, hauled me from the sea and into Jace's arms. I didn't think I would be as drawn to her as I am now." I admitted, glancing down at my feet to avoid her gaze. "I wanted to learn more about what I am, or what I'm going to become," my brows furrowed in frustration.

"And you didn't think to ask?" I threw my free hand into the air, shaking my head.

"I didn't know what to think! After everything with Jack," her jaw tightened at the mention of his name, dark fury filling her eyes. "You both hovered around me, treating me like freshly shattered glass. I was worried that you'd never let me explore this side of myself if you knew I had met one of our...kind, or whatever."

Sleeping With Sirens (A Siren's Love, Reimagined) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें