That last sentence made Nina scoff as she continued to pack. "Please, I have nothing to thank her for. Not that Harry and I were planning on going public, but now whenever that happens I'll just get compared to her and how I'm so not his type. I've already seen the fans saying that she looks exactly like his last girlfriend, and they're not wrong. Then you go down the rabbit hole of Harry Styles' ex girlfriends and start to notice a pattern. Tall, skinny blonde Supermodel, tall, skinny blonde supermodel, tall, skinny, blonde singer.... Short, brunette, grad student, kindergarten teacher? Maybe they're right, maybe she's his type. I am nothing like his exes..."

"And that's why he's with you!" Jen hated when Nina would go down this dark path of insecurity. It just really broke her heart. "Look, if he wanted another tall, blonde, skinny supermodel or actress that looked just like his ex, he would've been with one already. But he chose you. You're different, Nina and that's not a bad thing. He was dying to say that he loved you from the second you met."

Ava nodded, chiming in before Nina could continue putting herself down. "And if the fans say that you're not his type, you just ignore them. Because at the end of the day, you're the one he's dating, not some random girl online. He could have his fair share of tall, skinny, blondes in LA, but he chose the unique, beautiful, kind aspiring kindergarten teacher. That speaks volumes, Nina. And let's face it Nina, he is definitely not your type. I never would've expected you to go for a really famous musician. Maybe a doctor, or a firefighter, but never a celebrity."

Nina knew all of this was true. They've had this conversation more than she would probably care to admit, but it didn't mean she didn't still get insecure. She always felt like there was someone more famous and prettier out there that he could be with, someone with connections that could get him where he wanted to be. She had nothing to offer him, and yet he could give her the world in a heartbeat.

She tried not to let those thoughts get to her, since at the end of the day she was the one who got to call Harry her boyfriend. And most days she was confident and wouldn't entertain these thoughts. It just sucked seeing a fan reaction to rumors of Harry dating someone, especially since this hadn't happened before.

It would be a lie to say that Nina didn't care if the fans liked her once they knew about her. Harry's fans were extremely important to him and Nina always was aware of the close relationship he had with them. She didn't want to be the one to cause a rift in that relationship because she really did find it beautiful. At the same time, she knew that the fans would look for any reason to hate her.

She was pretty clean cut, had a great sense of morals and made it her life goal to provide a foundational education to young children. She volunteered all the time, educated her students on important social topics whenever possible, and fought to raise awareness to how little is given to teachers, especially in a public school setting. Most days, her biggest problem was which craft she wanted to do with her students and how to make her lessons even more fun for them.

She was soft spoken, extremely empathetic, and amazing with children. She always wore fun, exciting outfits to class that always tied back to whatever the theme was for the week. She had this bright light that radiated from her smile, and Harry always made sure to remind her just how kind of a face she had. There was not a mean bone in that tiny little body, which made the idea of someone hating Nina seem impossible.

Everyone who met Nina fell in love with her. From the kids at school to the likes of Taylor Swift, who drunkenly professed her approval and love for the girl to Harry when she first met Nina. Harry was hopeful that the fans would have the same reaction once they finally knew about her. At the shows, he knew that she would get along great with the fans, but they just didn't know who she really was.

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