"My apologies, I'm going to need you to look up from your book." Kaveh says slowly with a measured tone, trying his best to filter out his impatience. Despite his best efforts, he's not doing a good job. "Unless you want me to paint a portrait of you reading?"

Lord Alhaitham gave him a faint shrug.

'So be it then, to each their own.'

Without wasting another word, Kaveh picks up a pencil from his small collection of supplies. He begrudgingly begins to draw out the shapes of the man before him.

It's customary for Kaveh to hold light conversation with his clients during his work. Small talk to help them relax, breezy compliments to put faint blushes on their cheeks, those sort of things.

This client however, didn't need any such thing. Kaveh didn't need to pull an interesting expression from the man; the Alpha sits still with a thoughtful look on his face as he flips through the pages of his book—already sufficiently inspiring to the artist.

There is a slight furrow to his brows, paired with an intelligent twinkle in his eyes and a slight uptick of his lips—

The Alpha shuts his book with a soft thud, startling Kaveh. Alhaitham's small smile grows in apparent amusement at how the blond jumps.

"My book is done." He says as he rises to his feet.

"So you're leaving?"

Lord Alhaitham gives him a small nod, tucking the now-finished book under his arm. "I'll have someone contact you for our next session."

"And you're going to be late for said session too?" Kaveh can't help but retort sarcastically, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

The Alpha gives another small nod. "Perhaps."

"Do you like having people wait for you, or are you too self-centered to realize that my time is just as valuable to me as your time is to you?" Kaveh snaps.

Alhaitham stands with his back to the Omega. To Kaveh's surprise, he suddenly whirls around and plops back down where he was sitting just a moment ago.

"I have another job for you."

"You're joking?" Kaveh snorts, "Oh great Lord, granting me yet another opportunity to waste my time?"

"I don't have the time to sit around for hours on end, for someone to paint me. I'd like to keep my leisure hours during the night, and I never know in advance when I'll have several hours free during the day." Alhaitham leaned forward, "During the period that you paint my portrait, stay here, in one of the guest wings. It goes without saying that any costs will be covered during this time and—"

"You can't be serious"

"—In addition to the Mora owed, and being provided with housing, I'll also pay off your outstanding debts."

That sounds far too good to be true. Kaveh frowns. "All this, for a painting? What's the catch?"

"On top of the portrait I've commissioned..." Alhaitham paused, "Well, I want you to pretend to be my mate."

What?!" Kaveh exclaims in horror. He barely manages to keep himself from dropping the pencil in his hand. He gapes at his client—who is apparently out of his mind.

He knew it. The commission was too good to be true. Kaveh isn't known for his portraits. There are far better, far more famous painters in Sumeru that could have done the job just as well, if not better than him.

"I will not force you into something you're not comfortable with." Alhaitham continues, "Afterall, it's no more than a charade you're being paid to play. On top of the painting, of course."

"How can I trust you?"

"You can't." Alhaitham says bluntly. "All I can do is hope is that you'll take my word for it."

Kaveh falls silent.

"I'd say it's a pretty good offer." The Alpha gives a shrug. "Who knows when one of your debtors will tire of waiting and decides to come get their money back in... other ways."

The message is painfully clear to Kaveh. He, an Omega, will be sold off to the highest bidder in an attempt to recoup the money he has lost for his debtors. It pains him but deep down, Kaveh knows that the Lord sitting in front of him isn't wrong.

Nonetheless, he scowls darkly. "Are you threatening me?"

Alhaitham signs, "Hardly, I'm just pointing out the obvious. A truth you seem to be failing to take into account judging by your hesitation."

"And how do you know about my debts anyway?!" Kaveh snaps.

"Master Kaveh of Kshahrewar, your debts are those of legends." Alhaitham says with a small chuckle that only serves to ruffle Kaveh's feathers further. "I thought it was a joke, but your reaction has cleared up that little misconception."

"Did you purposefully choose me because of my debts?"

"The rumor of your debts pales in comparison to the regard for your talents. You're undoubtedly skilled." Alhaitham gives a smirk, one that rubs Kaveh entirely the wrong way. "I won't deny that was a factor, that, and that you're an Omega."

Kaveh already knows that Alhaitham has figured out that he is an Omega, but it still irks him that he was found out after taking so much care; he wears high collars, long sleeves and far too much perfume in an attempt to mask his scent. Almost instinctively, he reaches up to his neck as he glares down the Alpha.

'I fit right into his little plan.'

Despite knowing his strength is laughable compared to the Alpha's, it takes everything in him to not bash the blank canvas over Alhaitham's head, if only to teach him a lesson. Within the span of their short conversation, Kaveh is left to feel both used and patronized.

Unfortunately, the reality of his situation looms over him, his debts far too much for Kaveh to be able to immediately dismiss the generous offer.

With no clear answer being spoken by Kaveh, Alhaitham cocks his head to the side. "So that's a yes, I presume?

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