ابدأ من البداية

Mitobe confirms the words of his translator with a nod, so you follow Koganei's directions and go down the flight of stairs.

"Oh, live music? I didn't know it was a thing in fast foods." – Kagami says at the sight of a small stage on which a band is performing.

"I wouldn't have said it either. But they seem good! I'm glad that there are opportunities like these for emerging bands: in fast foods there are always lots of people and you never know who'll listen to your songs..." – you add, already thinking about those films in which a small band is noticed by some bigwig and prepared to become the rising star of the music industry.

Happy with the unexpectedsurprise, you sit at a nice table and start eating, as usual losing yourselves inyour long and bizarre chats that begin with everyday life topics and end,nobody knows how or why, wondering whether it's cooler to reincarnate as aflamingo or a seahorse – chats that are obviously filled with Izuki'suncalled-for puns. Sometimes, when the band performs a cover of a song youknow, you enjoy humming on it or doing a little dance with your arms.

When you finish eating burgers and fries, Kiyoshi goes upstairs for his so-called "idea of the century." You wait perplexed for him to return, and after a few minutes you see him coming down the stairs with seventeen muffins and seventeen birthday candles. You look at him without really knowing what to say, so he talks first:

"Well, we don't have a cake, but that doesn't mean we should give something sweet up!"

The muffins are placed in front of the birthday boy, the candles are lit and you get ready to sing the classic, hated song.

"Oh! Lo and behold, is it your birthday?"

You turn to the left to notice the band's soloist staring at you with a smile. Izuki nods, and her face lights up with enthusiasm.

"Wow! We should do that, then! Guys?" – a look of understanding with the guitarist and the drummer is enough, and in a heartbeat Katy Perry's "Birthday" echoes in the room. The perplexed glances turn into looks full of surprise, and you sing more loudly the words of the song. Much, much better than the classic "happy birthday to you", and sung by professionals it's even more beautiful. At the end of the song a round of applause makes the birthday boy blush. He blows out the candles while dad Kiyoshi catches every moment with his phone. You eat the muffins, which with all the atmosphere that's been created have a very sweet taste, and you give Izuki his gifts.

"Thank you so much, guys, really. You gave me a beautiful birthday." – Izuki confesses, with a radiant smile and eyes full of gratitude – "And thanks to you, too!" – he adds, talking to the band.

"Oh, no problem. Actually, how about coming here and singing something, since you're the star of the night?"


"Of course!"

"I-I don't know... I don't want to interrupt your show, so..."

"Don't worry about that, we're done."

Thanks to your encouragements and those of the band, Izuki decides to take the stage.

"Erm... Would you mind lending me the guitar?" – he asks the girl, who had used an acoustic guitar for some songs.

"Yep! Let's see what you're capable of!"

You didn't expect to see Izuki with a guitar in his hand again, since he hasn't played it since the end of middle school. What is certain is that he's always been very good, so you have no doubt that his performance will be impeccable. However... singing? It's the first time that you happen to hear him sing seriously on his own: needless to say, you are dying of curiosity.

(ENG) KUROKO NO BASKET ONESHOTSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن