More Character Talk

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Y/N should get some spice, to say the least. So why don't I introduce you to Y/N traits? Oh! I have some straight for you! No, don't give them ACTUAL developed well-thought-out traits! How will your middle school audience EVER love that?! What are you thinking just by doing that, too?! Either way, here are some traits for you to use!


1 — Make her stutter

Her #1 trait should be stuttering all the time. Why? Well, good question. How is your teenage audience going to take this when they find out that she doesn't stutter all the time? Exactly, and make their stutter like this. "H-H-H-H-H-H-H-Hi..." Maybe add a bit of blushing too? That should do the trick because she's quirky, shy, and not like all those other girls. Moving on.


2 — Magnet

Let me explain. She'll attract every type of love interest you could ever imagine. Mafia boss? That's hers. Mean top cheerleader's boyfriend? Free real estate. The hot CEO who's half werewolf alpha? Yeah, that's hers. The alien ice barbarian? She'd probably make out with him.


3 — Break Out

She always breaks out into a song, whether it's in celebration or her bullies bullied her again. Extra brownie points if the song is fight song and 100+ more if she goes to the school rooftop to go sing it.


4 — Dead/Abusive Parents

You can't have an Y/N character without their parents dying! Run them over with a car, car crash exists, so perhaps put them in one of those. :O SUICIDE! YES! MAKE ALL OF THEIR FAMILY SUICIDE! Or make her parents abusive!


5 — Unfortunate

Y/N always gets bullied in one way or another, No matter what, you need your readers to feel sympathy for your Y/N character because she's so unique, pretty, popular and not like other girls! 


6 — What In The Actual Fuck

Oh no! Does Y/N get kidnapped? Don't worry, you can turn this into a romantic story pretty quickly! Just make a story about Y/N loving her kidnapper because that's totally not fucked up, and you should be good to go! Don't even dare to answer those critiques in the comments because they're actually right and have a point! PFFT, no! Those critiques could NEVER, EVER be right!


7 — Mental Illness and Being Sick

Does Y/N get infected all of a sudden? Good, because I have just the solution for you! Make that her only redeeming personality trait for the rest of the story she has that mental illness or sickness because she's so quirky and not like other girls!


Thanks for reading, that ends this chapter! If there's anything I forgot, don't be shy, comment!


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