Chaper 2. consequences & new beginnings

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The only thing that got Dean out of bed that morning was the fact that it was the Tuesday before thanksgiving break. That meant today was the last day of school until Monday and he didn't have to do a god damn thing on his time off. There was even a promise of pie. All he had to do was make it through today.

His morning routine went quicker than normal. Wake Sammy. Brush teeth. Wake Sammy again. Find clothes. Grab breakfast. Into the car. Drop Sammy at school. Head to his own school. He was halfway there when he remembered the previous day had even existed. That's right. Cas was back. Fucking peachy. How the hell could I forget? Hopefully he'd make it through today without having a class with him.

He pulled into the school parking lot, parking in his usual spot and thunking his head against the steering wheel. With my crappy luck he's probably gonna be in all my fuckin classes today. Dean took a deep breath, summoned his courage, and gathered his things to head into class.

He made it through the first half of his day without issue; gym was always easy, and US History had him bored out of his mind and done hearing the mindless chatter of other students making plans over the break. It wasn't until lunch break that he remembered the anonymous message he sent to to mystery photographer. He was almost giddy to know what he had said back, or if he had even seen the ask yet. He wanted to check right then, but he knew if he pulled his phone out Jo would badger him to know what he was doing. Dean almost never bothered to check his phone during school hours, it usually only served to captivate an hour of his time when he so much as glanced at it, and that tended to be bad for his grades. He'd have to wait until 8th block study hall. He didn't know anyone in his class, and he didn't have any homework yet. For now he'd have to calm his heartbeat and eat his lunch.

The minutes until his class ended seemed to stretch for ever, and by the time he was headed to study hall Dean could feel his skin vibrating. What if he thinks I came off creepy? Maybe I did come of creepy. Maybe he just deleted it. He probably gets a lot of creepy asks like mine and he probably deletes them all. Why am I getting so worked up over this? He doesn't even know who I am. I don't even know who he is. Jesus, Dean, calm down.

He didn't really mean to work himself up over the situation, but honestly he did this kind of thing more than he was willing to admit. It was the real reason he tended to hang out with his friends less than he really wanted to. He was always judging the things he said after the fact, harshly criticizing every word that came out of his mouth. Usually once every few weeks he managed to convince himself that one of his few friends hated him, or thought he was obnoxious for whatever reason. It was never actually the case, but in sixteen years he had gotten pretty good at believing his own bullshit.

Dean had practically sprinted to his study hall, so he wasn't particularly surprised at being the first person into the classroom. He ducked into the back corner seat, closest to the door, and pulled out his phone. The few seconds it took to load the tumblr felt agonizingly long, and waiting for his blog felt even longer.

anonymous asked: I hope you know you were my own little jerk off fantasy tonight.
you sure know how to make a guy feel special. i'll show you more if you show me yours.

Jesus Christ. Is he serious? Not exactly the reaction I was expecting, but I guess I can't complain. After a moments deliberation he scrolled back up to the askbox and and turned on anonymous again.

I'm just a skinny teenage boy, no tattoos or anything, you don't wanna see someone like me.

He hesitated a moment before hitting ask and quickly returning to his dash. He mindlessly scrolled and let his brain wander.

Tomorrow was the first day of thanksgiving vacation and he planned to sleep all the way in. Maybe play some Mass Effect. Maybe go down to the comic shop. Most everything was going to be closed Thursday and he didn't plan on going fuckin anywhere on Black Friday. Those soccer moms could get crazy and he didn't really want to get trampled to death or tazed. Maybe if it wasn't too cold he'd give the impala a tune up. Or take Sammy to a movie. Then again they might be visiting his Grandparents again for the holidays, and grandpa Samuel could talk forever.

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