It was neither of them, however, and Alex groaned with frustration when she saw that it was only her calender app that was notifying her. After reading the details of the notification, her annoyance melted away into excitement.

Midsummers @ 6

Alex jumped back onto her feet, running over to her closet, already on a mission to find the perfect dress to wear.

KATHERINE THORNBURY sat in front of her vanity, staring at her reflection in the large mirror

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KATHERINE THORNBURY sat in front of her vanity, staring at her reflection in the large mirror. She twisted her curls around her fingers several times, trying to make them sit right. Her knee was bouncing as nervous energy coursed through her veins, her stomach alive with thousands of butterflies.

Tonight was Midsummers ━━ a formal party that the most wealthy families on Figure Eight held every year, smack dab in the middle of the long summer months. It was originally supposed to celebrate the communitie's achievements over the past year, but it soon turned into one big contest for bragging rights, where every Kook family had to outdo the others, whether in their outfits or their charity work and achievements.

This night was also the first time that Katherine would be seeing Ward Cameron since she moved away all those months ago. She didn't know if she should avoid him, ducking behind every table and chair she could find. Or if she should greet him like an old friend, put any past animosity behind her.

Those chairs and tables were looking awfully tempting right about now.


Katherine turned her head, seeing her oldest daughter, Alex, standing in her doorway. She looked beautiful in her floor length black dress, the silk fabric cascading down like a waterfall. Her makeup was carefully applied, and her long brown hair was curled perfectly. Even her anxious, cold mother couldn't help but to smile at the sight.

"You look so pretty, honey." She commented, turning back to poking and prodding her own appearance.

Alex blinked for a moment, taken aback by the compliment from her mom. Nice words were something that Katherine would very rarely hand out, even to her own family.

"Dad's got the car ready." Alex said, watching her mom inspect every detail on her face, like a teenage girl about to go on her first date. "We're ready when you are."

"Tell your father that I'll be down in a few minutes." Katherine replied, finally setting down the powder puff that she had bene patting against her cheeks like it might completely transform her entire face.

"Okay." Alex turned and left her mother alone, which only made Katherine's nerves return with an even greater intensity.

She inhaled sharply, moving her long pink skirt out of the way so she could stand. After one final glance at her reflection, she began to head for the doorway. Just then, something caught her eye, and she froze.

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