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You wake up the next morning to a sleeping, snoring Oliver. You love that sight. He's sprawled over the bed, his legs and arms extended, while you are curled up on his chest. You can hear the steady beat of his heart. It calms you. He's home and everything is ok.
Suddenly, he springs up.
"Oliver! Oliver it's alright! It was just a dream, I'm here Ollie!" You say, trying to comfort him. He's sweating, tears streaming down his face. You embrace him.
"Oh, (Y/N). I'm sorry, it was a nightmare. It felt so real..... they were going to kill you...." he says, starting to cry again.
"Oliver, it's ok. It was just a dream. I'm safe and so are you, Ollie. I love you."
"You're right. Thank you. I'm really sorry about that.." he says, embarrassment in his eyes.
" It's alright Ollie. Everyone gets a bad dream. I'll go make you breakfast. Why don't you get in the shower?" you say, rubbing his back.
"Ok. I love you." he says, kissing you softly on the lips. You kiss him back.
"I love you too." you mumble against his lips.

You decide to make Oliver's favorite breakfast: chocolate chip waffles with strawberries and chocolate milk. He comes out of your room, only with his boxers on.
"Ooh my favorite! I'm so hungry." he says, digging into your meal.
"Can I have some?" you say.
"Sure, Speedy." he says, shoveling some into your mouth as well. You have chocolate on the side of your lip, which Oliver notices. He licks his finger and wipes it off, gently. His touch is all that matters to you anymore.
"Thank you Ollie."you say.

Later that day, Oliver comes home from his jog with urgency.
"(Y/N)! We have to go, now! There's been a break in at my old house! It's our first mission, and I have something for you to wear."
He pulls out a gray hood and a gun.
"I haven't gotten any time to train you so you can just use that for now." he says, pulling a bow and arrow and a green hood out of an ancient box.
" Alright. You ready?" he says, grabbing the motorcycle helmets.
"As I'll ever be." You say, nervously.

When you get there, you step off his motorcycle.
"Stay behind me." he says, creeping through the already open door. You can hear loud footsteps from upstairs. You start to get nervous, really nervous.
"Oliver...." you say, but he knows.
Suddenly, something jumps off the balcony.
"Long time no see, Oliver Queen. " it's a thick, Australian accent.
"Slade Wilson. What are you doing here?" Oliver says, his voice shaking.
"Here to take everything you love away from you. Just like you did to me." he says, coming closer.
"(Y/N) run!!! Go upstairs and don't come down until I tell you!" he shouts.
You run up the stairs, only to feel a sharp pain in your side. What could that be? You look down to see a dart with a green substance in it.
Then comes the pain.
It's the most terrible pain you've ever felt in your entire life. It spreads throughout your body, hitting every bone and muscle there is.
You fall to the floor and start writhing in pain.
Downstairs, Oliver is worried because he heard you scream.
" Don't worry. It's almost done." Slade says, leaving.
Oliver is so confused. But then he remembers you. He runs up the stairs.
You are on the floor, rolling and writhing in pain. Screaming, you grab Oliver's hand.
He sits beside you, worried.
"(Y/N)! I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have made you do this. What happened!"
You point to the dart.
"Mirakuru. I knew it." He says.
"Oliver!! Make it stop! It hurts so much Oliver!!! Please make it stop!" You say, arching your back.
"Ok, ok. It's ok."
He pulls out a dart filled with the cure.
"It might hurt, baby. Just stay with me, ok? Everything will be fine." he says, pulling up your sleeve.
"Oliver make IT STOP!!!" you say.
He puts the needle in your arm. Instantly, more pain.
You scream a gut wrenching scream. Arching your back, you grab Oliver. You scream his name, over and over again, crying and weeping. The pain spreads across your body. Then slowly fades away. Your eyelids droop.
"Baby? (Y/N) are you ok?" he says, picking up your chin as you lay on the floor.
"I.....think.......pain......over" you say, trying to get sentences out, but your in shock.
"It's alright. I'm here, Oliver's here. Everything's ok. The pain is over. Your ok." he says, whispering in your ear.
" Home.....home" you say, crying again.
"Ok, we'll go home now. I'm gonna pick you up, ok? 1.2.3.." he says , picking you up and carrying you out to the motorcycle.
When you get home, he plops you on the bed, then leaves.
"Oliver?.." you say, groggily.
"Stay.....please" you say.
"Okay, baby. Get some rest. In right here. Not going anywhere."

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