Mirah laughs filled the room on the speakers causing Sin to look around. A blink of an eye he watched her carve Mena tongue out flinging it around like it was toy in her face.

He smiled watching how amused she was. "SPIT FYE NOWWWWW!" Mir yelled making her laugh haunt Sin once again. Sin realized Mirah was catching on to the other girl pretending as she don't want to watch.

Mirah walked over rubbing the bloody tongue on the girl face. The door made sounds as Sin remembered he made Marcell go over to the building.

"He didn't try." Sin sighed hearing the door make sounds only for a minute. Mirah moved swiftly behind Norah slicing her throat due to her being subordinate.

"She killing her slowly... okay okay." Sin bobbed his head wiping his hands on the napkin he had. Mirah was more demanding then he assumed which caught his attention.

Sin mouth dropped seeing Mir shove the other girl tongue in Norah mouth. "WHAT THAT TONGUE DO?!" Almirah asked wiping Norah tears swearing blood on her face with her thumb.

"What she trying to say?" Sin struggled to understand what the girl was trying confess as her mouth drowned in blood. "Boy cousin, boy bestie, or boyfriend?" Mirah questioned reading her lips to understand what she was saying.

"Mm kay." Mirah turned to the camera."She keep looking at this camera for what?" Sin huffed giving her eye contact through the camera as he was there.

"I'm tired of asking those dumb questions. If you know the answer why ask them. Am I right?" Mirah straight faced the camera ahead of turning her back.

"I bet y'all don't even remember me." Mirah fixed her Diamond Cartier watch mumbling.

"You don't know them." Sin waved her off sitting up. Mirah took her mask smiling at the camera knowing one of his papers instructed her not to show her face. She had an grill that only plated her bottom and two K nine teeth.

The darkskin girl blurted out her name staring at her like was in trance. Almirah shook her head before popping her shit, "Y'all thought y'all could bully a bitch who had more sense than y'all."

"I topped it off giving her people she knew." Sin palmed his face. He watched the girl throw herself at Mirah, who wasn't bothered by it. Seem she like she didn't at first...

Sin heartbeat went up glaring at Mirah who stood up making her way over to Norah. "Is that so?" Almirah got close to face making it seem like she wanted her.

Sin pants grew filling his erection come about at Mirah voice and actions. He paused the video cussing, "I can't finish the video."

The smallest things she did turned him on without her knowing.  "I'll let them finish the video or rewatch it." Sin unplugged the cord taking the camera back to his bedroom. He turned the lights off wanting to clear his mind of thoughts of her.

The first thing his mind thought was her saying his full name speaking to him sternly. His dick grew even more harder causing him to snatch his pillow and screaming in it.


2:25 PM

"YO?" I yelled looking at my stash liquor empty. A whole space with nothing but air. I walked in my bedroom trying the lights on. Liyah looked up pausing the TV.

"Where my shi- stuff?" I took deep breath stopping myself from yelling since it was late. I rubbed my hands through my hair feeling a headache come over me.

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