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I opened my eyes again, thinking I woke up from an impromptu nap and started rubbing my eyes.

Was that a dream?

It's dark now. "I must have passed out or....wait.....WHOSE BED IS THIS????"

"Seems she is just as loud as Asta" Yuno, mumbled.

As Asta stood making an argument about how he isn't really that loud and calling Yuno a tall handsome jerk, I just laid there staring at them both, desperately trying to comprehend how, what, why, and when and being completely incapable of doing so.

My jaw must have been sitting on the dang ground and of course Nash had to say, "You're gonna catch flies like that, ya know. Have you never seen orphans or what?"

I could clearly hear I had offended him. But that's the problem. I CLEARLY HEAR HIM!! RIGHT NEXT TO ME!

I took a deep breath and smiled at Nash shakily. "It doesn't have anything to do with that, but saying I'm lost would be the biggest understatement ever." My voice was a bit rough, most likely from having screamed from falling from the sky all the way to Asta's arms.

"Are you okay, child?"

Father Orsi just asked me if I am okay. HE ASKED ME IF I AM OK?!?!?! I'm not sure but I'm looking at you guys and I really doubt it!

"Please don't pass out again." Yuno coldly declared. That seemed to snap me out of it in a hurry and of course, me and my big mouth, "Yuno, do you have to be so cold all the time? You see a girl in shock and the only thing you can say like a handsome jerk is please don't pass out?!"

Once the words had left my lips entirely, I suddenly remembered myself, what I had JUST said to THE YUNO, and looked at the floor like a sheepish dummy.

Since when have I ever been able to speak up for myself? Sorry, Yuno...I know you mean well...

I began to apologize before Asta spoke, or rather exclaimed, "Yeah, Yuno! You don't have to be so mean! She is clearly a lost girl in need of help! And since I'm the future Wizard King..."

"Did you guys get your grimoires yet?" I exclaimed before realizing my big mistake.

Oh wait, I forgot. They don't know me. I need to just zip my lips before I say anything else even slightly stalker like.

However, Asta was more than willing to answer. "We get them in a few days! OH, is that why you're here?"

"Asta, she fell out of the sky..." Yuno said coldly yet again with an exasperated sigh.

I'm not sure why I said anything. Maybe it's my lack of friends where I was or maybe I just needed to know for my sake. I've never been liked no matter where I go, but if it's the same here too even though I just got here...I can't believe Yuno already hates me....

"You don't like me very much, right Yuno?" I didn't even realize I had a few stray tears until I was met with silence. I looked up at him with quiet understanding as I got down from the bed and bowed respectfully before saying, "I apologize for the inconvenience. I'll be going now."

I began walking past him and out the door without a sound, not caring one bit if I had no way of getting home or even a place to go.

All I could hear...was every time I was treated just like that. Like an inconvenience. Like....nothing. I finally get to be in my favorite world and they hate me, too. I guess I really do suck.

I hadn't even made it past the little brick wall surrounding the church when Aruru grabbed my hand from behind to stop me.

I looked at her and gave a small smile to try to be friendly, even though I was hurting. "Hi. What's..."

"Please don't cry. Yuno is just like that. With everyone, I swear!" She had such a tenderness and it filled me with conflicting emotions.

This is the first person to ever come after me when I walked away. Even if she is a child....One is enough.

The thought made me smile brighter. "I believe you. It just reminded me of something."

Before she could ask what it reminded me of, I heard Asta from outside yelling at Yuno. "You hurt her feelings! Don't you feel bad at all, you jerk?!" The difference between my world and this one was already there. I have 2 people sticking up for me.

"Would you like to come back inside?" Sister Lily asked from the door.

I want to. I really want to. Maybe this time....

"Okay." Recca pulled me back into the orphanage and there was Asta shouting apologies for Yuno. He is so excited and kind. And loud.

I quickly put my arms around him in a tight embrace.

Silence as I held him close for a few moments.

I pulled back to look him in the eye with a smile. "Thank you, Asta."

Maybe this time, I can be happy.

The Lonely CloverNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ