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Viktor had arrived at the park, immaculately dressed in a casual white shirt and jeans which hung low on his waist. It was attractive. I internally smack myself for that thought. I mean, what the hell Louise? Was I really calling my childhood enemy hot? Before I could berate myself even more, Viktor speaks. "I need to pass by my house for something, are you up for it? The walk's short...It'll only be 5 minutes I promise." he adds. I shrug, "Sure"

He grins and we begin our walk. I allow my mind to wander as he hums to a tune only he could hear.

At one point in time, I had questioned my actions. Viktor and I were arguing over a test paper in the school's parking lot. "No, Louise!" he had shouted, "I didn't cheat!" My stubbornness had reared its head, determined to win the dispute. "Yes you did!" I yelled, throwing my hands in the air, "You got full marks! Nobody in our grade even got close to it!"

Viktor opened his mouth, then closed it. When he spoke again, his voice was soft, full of sorrow, "Do you really think so low of me? I know we're enemies but I didn't realize you..." he trailed off, balling his fists. "I... You... I think... I'm gonna leave now. You win today, okay?" and he was gone. It was the first time I'd questioned myself about him. I had regretted what I said to him. I wanted to say sorry. That night, I had thought about it. I'd decided that I would apologize. The next morning, when I confronted him about it, Viktor only laughed. He laughed in a carefree way, no trace of the sadness from the day before. "Its alright, Angel, we're okay"

I'd frowned in confusion, "How do you know my middle name?" Viktor arched a brow, "Your middle name is Angel?" I silently cursed myself for assuming he knew my other name. "Yeah... " I mutter. Viktor's eyes had set alight with mirth.

"Oh my goodness! I would never have guessed!" he snorted in amusement, "Angel. Doesn't suit you at all."

I glared at him, elbowing him lightly. Viktor smiled at me, almost fondly, before breaking the moment. "So your initials are Lab?" he taps his chin, "You know, LA has much more of a ring to it. LA, Los Angeles, it's perfect for you. I guess it's your new nickname"

I'd smiled, unable to fight back a grin, "Oh, so we're doing nicknames? How about I call you Sinclaire?" I teased. Viktor had recoiled in horror, "You want to call me by Mr. Pervert's last name?" I huffed a laugh. Mr. Sinclaire had been dubbed the school's resident pervert, being the man who leered at everyone in the school, boys and girls alike. Rumor had it he'd flashed the principal to get his job. A smirk formed on my lips. It would be a perfect way to antagonize him. Viktor had groaned playfully at my wicked expression. I grinned at him. For a moment, we had felt like old friends, joking about our teachers and giving each other nicknames. I'd seen him in a new light, someone I could trust and laugh with...

My mind scrambles when someone grabs my arm. I glanced at Viktor's beaming smile. "Hello, miss la-la land." he says by way of greeting. I roll my eyes, batting his arm away and absorbing my surroundings. His house was...small. Probably the size of my guest bedroom. It was beaten up and looked like it could be blown over by a light breeze. The grass surrounding it was well kept but even pretty flowers couldn't lighten the heaviness surrounding it. Was this really Viktor's home? I stare at him in shock and he quickly averts his gaze. Noticing the red tinting his cheeks, I quickly schooled my expression. He was embarrassed. Embarrassed about where he lives.

I paste on a smile. "It's wonderful.." I start but he immediately stops me with a troubled frown. "Don't shit with me right now, Louisiana." he growls. My eyes widen at the serious turn our conversation had taken. "I know it's bad. I know you weren't expecting it. But God, please, I can't take more sympathy. Especially from you. I'm still the same person I was six years ago when I stole your cactus." His voice takes on a pleading tone, "Please don't pity me. Don't be careful around me. Don't let this change anything."

For some reason unknown to me, I wanted to comfort him. My hand hesitantly hovers over his shoulder before I lightly rest it there. "Viktor I won't ever judge you because of where you live. You're still... Viktor." I smile at him. Then, because the conversation was giving too much I'm-your-new-bestie-lets-hug vibes, I add, "Even if you were dressed as a turd, you would still be the same dickwad you are"

Viktor releases a relieved breath. A smirk forms on his perfect mouth, "I still have your cactus, you know. What did you name him? Vintage?" he pressed his tongue into his cheek, obviously fighting back a laugh. I glare at him, turning around and flipping him the bird. "Where to, Sinclaire?" I demand. He whistles, "Oh, how I love it when you call me by the creepy janitor's name!" I shove him but we're both laughing. Maybe I would enjoy this party after all.

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