❖ Chapter 34 ❖

Bắt đầu từ đầu

I wish the wedding weren't still several months away. My mother insisted it would be scandalous to have it any sooner. The banns will be read over the next three weeks at the chapel, so technically we could be married anytime after that. Well, if there weren't so many plans to arrange.

Today, Lizzy, my mother and I are to pick out china and cutlery for the wedding breakfast. I am certain we have plenty of plates to serve everyone but again, my mother is insisting. Our appointment is at ten and I am glad it is early as I didn't get to see Lizzy all day yesterday and I am starting to ache for her. 

Just before we are ready to get into the carriage to collect Lizzy, a note arrives for me. I would completely ignore it, as I am anxious to see her, but the note is in her handwriting. I ask my mother to wait in the parlor for a moment.

Lord Westworth,

I am sorry to disrupt our plans for today, but I find that I am still feeling unwell. Please choose the place settings without me. I trust you and Lady Westworth to pick the right pieces. I am sure I will be well tomorrow to view the flowers.


I am frowning. Not only is she still unwell, but the note is rather formal and unfeeling. Why would she address it to me as Lord Westworth? She has called me Edmund since almost the beginning. I think I must go see her, to find out what is wrong.

When I explain everything to my mother she agrees that we must go check on Lizzy. We take the carriage to the Tufton's. My mother and I are escorted into the parlor to wait. My mother seems almost as anxious as I am, her hands fidget endlessly, which is not like her. "She seems like such a healthy girl. I am sure it cannot be serious." She pauses for a moment, "She always puts everyone else's needs before her own, have you noticed? I hope she hasn't neglected herself until she became ill." She pauses again, "Do you think we should call the doctor to check on her?"

She is right about Lizzy caring for everyone else before herself. I still my mother's hands with my own, "Yes, I will call the doctor if the Tuftons have not."

Beatrice and her mother come in to greet us. Lady Tufton pours tea for all of us like we are here for a casual visit. I can see that Bea is worried, she has looked at me several times with her concerned expression. I wish I could pull her aside to talk with her privately about Lizzy condition.

"I am so sorry that my niece is not feeling up to going out with you today. This is the first time she has been ill since she came to us almost three months ago now. But please don't fret, it is only a sick stomach today. She may have eaten something that was unsettling to her."

My mother looks relieved to hear it but I watch Bea's face as she hears her mother's description of the illness and I think there is more to it. I find myself speaking now, "Would you be opposed to us sending a doctor to check on her? She is due to have her arm checked again soon anyway."

Lady Tufton smiles, "Certainly, that is a fine idea, Lord Westworth."

Bea speaks up, "Beth said she really doesn't want to see a doctor though."

Her mother dismisses her, "Oh, pish. As Lord Westworth suggested, the doctor can check her arm and also see if there are any other concerns." She turns to us, "We will let you know what the doctor reports."

We stand to leave and while Lady Tufton talks with my mother, I address Bea, "Is there anyway that you could take me to see her, even for just a moment? I am very worried about her."

Bea looks regretful as she says. "Beth is not leaving her room right now. I am sorry." This annoys me to no end. I am her fiancé after all. I should be able to go up and see her. Society's rules for appropriate behavior can be quite frustrating at times. Why do I have to wait to see her when she is literally right up those stairs? My rebellious side is tempted to run up and open every door until I find her. But, in the end, I don't want further gossip. I have heard the rude speculation of how we became engaged and am trying to dispel those rumors when I can.

Toast of the SeasonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ