Theo says nothing, but stares at Ruby. His cane cracks a little in frustration.

Theo: Go fuck yourself.

Ruby hangs her head, a tear almost falling from her eye. Her sisters steps up.

Yang: Hey! Watch it-

Theo: Last time I check, Atlas wasnt starving to death! Last time I check, people around the city didnt die on a daily basis! My military is turning and running for food, children dying and on the worst of it all, we are letting incomplete teenagers make the decisions.

Weiss: We're 20, actually.

Leia: Shut it, Schnee. You guys just made our jobs a lot harder.

Weiss turns around to Leia and she just shrugs. Weiss grits her teeth a little.

Weiss: First time in what, 3 years I see you and this is now you treat me.

Leia: Just about. I would have sent them to Vale. Farmers need good hands nowadays. And transports need good guards. But I guess you elitist never really wanted to work like that.

Weiss: Excuse me!

Nora: What's your problem?

Ember: Same as ours, apparently. You're preaching to the converted. And whether you like it or not, we're all screwed now.

Blake: Dont blame this solely on us. We didnt know.

Isaac snaps his head to look at Qrow.

Isaac: You didnt fill them in?

Qrow: I told James. And Oscar.

Isaac: You didnt think to fill the rest of them in?

RWBY and JNPR look over to Qrow. His eyes dart to the side. Theo groans again and looks back at Qrow with total distain.

Theo: You drunken, half-cocked, piece of human flith! I should gut you and hang you for your incompetence! I ought to-

Llew Glas teleports between the two.

Llew: Enough! I highly suggest a more reasonable debate. The past cannot be changed. What has happened, is done.

Ing Pugno walks over and softly pushes Theo back to his seat. Theo takes a few coughs, getting some blood to come out of his mouth. Theo whipped some of the blood on the arm of his chair. He glances down to his legs still in casts and braces. Taking a deep breath, Theo slowly looks back up to the group.

Theo: Qrow, Winter, Isaac with me. I want as much detail as you all can possibly offer. And this time, you will be filling them all in. Understood? If Oz isn't going to do it, then I will!

Qrow reluctantly nods along with Winter. Theo sighs and leans back a little in his seat.

Theo: Good. Scorch, take them to the barracks. We cant offer dorms anymore on account of the overflow. Which is our first notion upon which we need to solve.

Fred: Not the overwhelming warlord currently slamming down on us from last month?

Theo: For the time being no. We are not sending more people to die. Not yet. I want the people of Atlas loaded up onto their cruisers. Either send them off now to Mistral or let them sleep there. We dont have enough time to build them all homes. Nor the resources. And I'm not sending people out to find them. Not when we need every available huntsman and huntress.

Fred nods and walks out with FLME following him. VILE does the same. Ruby glances up to Qrow and he nods. Before anyone can tell, Oscar Pine is already out the door. Before she leaves, Elsa walks up to Theo's desk.

Team FLME: Volume 10Where stories live. Discover now