Scarlet Luck Café

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Marinette's POV

Ooh! A new customer walks through the door, the bell chiming. Gotham villains and civilians laze around and chat. I look up and am immediately surprised to see a domino mask. Luckily, my hands keep making Uncle Ed's coffee. I call out, "Coffee for Uncle Ed." He ambles over, dressed casually in a Riddler-themed t-shirt and jeans.

The boy, Robin I assume, comes up to the counter. "I'm looking for the owner of this Café." I smile at him before handing the coffee to Uncle Ed and kissing the now happy Riddler's cheek. "That's me! What can I do for ya?" He looks surprised.

"Wha-never mind. My team is reading a magical signature on this place, so I came to ask if you know anything about it." My face pales before I forcefully relax my body. I need to ask Tikki why there is a magical energy emanating from me, but first deal with him. "Oh I wouldn't know, monsieur!  That's really quite concerning." I shrug, playing up my innocent appearance. "Perhaps it's residue from something the villains did." I smile at him and go back to working.

Damian's POV

As soon as I see the girl behind the counter, I wanted to know more about her. She introduces herself as the owner, and I am thoroughly impressed. What kind of person is she to start a successful business so young? Then I ask her a question and her face pales, yet she denies any involvement.

"Are you sure, miss? We need to make sure it isn't dangerous for you." She nods her head jerkily before returning to her work. I then say, "Well, in that case, I'll need to shut down this café." I'm bluffing, of course, but she doesn't know that. She gives me an unimpressed look before saying, "Where's this 'magic detector?' I want to see it before I let you close this place down." I look at her for a long moment, surprised at her courage, before nodding. "Of course. I will bring her here tomorrow."


Marinette's POV

They bring in a woman. She says her name is Zatanna. She casts a locator spell, and I can only hope it doesn't point straight to me. But it does. Zatanna bows, her body shaking. "Oh Great Guardian, I understand you did not want to be found." I sigh, nodding.

Robin and Batman look confused. "Look, meet me at my apartment at 12. I will explain there, and don't give me that crap about not knowing my address." With that, I disappear into the back room, starting to bake my worries away.

Daminette Oneshots जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें