A fun time

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3rd POV Sorry I had school but anyway here is chapter 2 I'll try to do more!
They walked into the mall Sasuke was still blushing because Naruto was holding his hand.Sakura looked at them and Said "Look at you lovebirds already holding hands".Sasuke heard and released Naruto hand and went to Hinata Naruto got mad and looked at Sakura with a bad look.Sakura smiled.

Naruto POV
"Damn it Sakura fuck you I hope you die".

Sasuke POV
"Why did Sakura Say that I'm so embarrassed".
They began holding hands again 😏
3rd POV
They continued but they had stops but it was mostly Sakura and Hinata going to buy stuff.While they would go in Sasuke and Naruto would stay outside waiting for them which it will be awkward for them by them I mean Sasuke.They continued until Sasuke saw someone who is very overprotective Itachi Uchiha.Sasuke eyes widened Sasuke was getting out of Naruto hand.Naruto confused grabbed him Sasuke looked back but Naruto released him Hinata noticed Itachi and she looked at Sasuke.Sasuke ran to her and grabbed her like if nothing happened and kept walking.Itachi saw them and said "hey you too what are y'all doing here?". Sasuke very nervous said "Uhh nothing Just hanging out with our friends".Itachi says "Stop lying I saw you holding hands with that dumb blonde boy WHO IS HE!".Itachi goes to the dumb blonde boy according to him.

Naruto POV
*Sigh* "When is my love coming back?". "Who the fuck is that oh for god sake my hair!".

3rd POV
"WHO ARE YOU AND WHY WERE YOU HOLDING HANDS WITH MY BROTHER!".Itachi with a mad look. Naruto said "Isn't it obvious stupid I'm your brothers lover".Itachi never felt like killing anybody but I guess it was Naruto's day.Itachi about to grab Naruto Deidara and Óbito were holding him back and saying "Fuck Itachi let him go now!". "NO HE WAS HOLDING HANDS WITH MY BABY BROTHER!".Itachi said very mad. Sasuke said "Naruto let's just leave while Deidara and Óbito take care of him Hinata let's go!". Hinata said with a sweet voice "Ok bye Itachi ni-Chan". They sneaked out of Itachi sight and left for one last stop the Movies to end the night with a relaxing scary Movie:). (Naruto picked) Hinata tho felt shaky instead of being with Sakura she was holding on to Sasuke.Naruto very jealous about this didn't even smile through the Movie or get scared in the Movie but.There was a specific part we're everybody got scared except Naruto a jump scare everybody screamed in the Movie theater.

Naruto POV
"What a lame jump scare huh Sasuke".

3rd POV
Sasuke grabbed on to Naruto a little shaky.Naruto went along and hold him tight.Sasuke realized and looked up Naruto smiling Sasuke jumped back and said "Uhh i..m s..o so...rry". Naruto said "it's fine you can hang on to me the whole Movie". Sasuke blushed and said "Ok..". Sakura and Hinata looked at them very excited and making faces to Sasuke. Sasuke looked at them very annoyed and let go of him angry. Hinata whispered "Sasuke-kun it's ok if you are scared I'm scared to we can hug each other". Hinata grabbed Sasuke arm and hold tight on it *Naruto and Sakura jealous*.At the end of the Movie Hinata was trembling of fear and never let go Of Sasuke (NOT A SHIP!) they went home very peacefully it was 12 when they left the movies Sakura and Hinata in the back sleeping Sasuke sleeping in the front Naruto wasn't tired because this was nothing.Naruto was at a red light and he looked over to Sasuke.

Naruto POV
Red light ugh I looked over to Sasuke and in my mind I told myself that no one can be as beautiful as him.

3rd person
They finally made it Naruto woke up Sakura and Hinata and Sasuke got picked up like if he was a little baby.Hinata walked up to the door but before she was gonna open it Itachi open the door with a death stare Sakura and Hinata were shook.Itachi told them to go inside and they did (Sakura was already gonna stay over) Naruto and Itachi staring at each other like if they were gonna kill each other.Sasuke woke up and saw the both he jumped off of Naruto and Said. "I..M SO SO..RRY NARU..TO".Sasuke ran inside very embarrassed blushing turning different shades of red and fell on his bed.Outside Itachi said to Naruto "Listen here blonde boy don't get near Sasuke he doesn't need somebody else to break his heart you hear me".Naruto with a confused look said "Yeah sure but what if Sasuke likes me?". Itachi replied "Hah yeah sure he said that he would give up dating".Naruto said with a silent voice "Not for long bitch"."WHAT DID YOU SAY BLOND".Naruto just sticked out his tongue and left to his car.Sasuke watching them from his window started to blush and realized that he was failing in love with Naruto his eyes looked so in love. He barely knew Naruto. But Naruto treated him like if he was his real lover they hold hands like if they are dating they cuddled in the Movie. It was so strange to Sasuke he wondered if Naruto actually like him too or was just playing with his feelings. So he was gonna tell him in the morning.

The next day and everybody is at school Naruto was getting swarmed by fan girls Naruto walked away but they followed him.Sasuke saw didn't have a chance to ask him but Naruto saw him and ran to him "Love how have you been!" Naruto said Sasuke replied "EH what do you mean love Naruto we aren't even together". Naruto replied with "Then maybe we should be together love so let's date Sasu-UKE". Sasuke looked at him very red and said "O..k..ay" Sasuke didn't have the chance to ask his question. Naruto and Sasuke relationship had been official all the girls were mad and everything some of them even tried to hurt Sasuke but of course Naruto was there as always protecting him.


I love you Sasuke..Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt