Kids don't assault your teachers

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Gakushuu Pov

It was the first day of school and it's officially my first attempt to go to class E.  I had texted the group chat named GPS. No idea what it stands for if I'm being honest.

(It's confusing for you guys but it's Gakushuu protection squad)

GPS Chat

Me- Hey guys how do I get myself into class E on the first day of school?

Claire- Chaos

Leo- Pure Chaos

Philip - Enough chaos to get you in big trouble

Claire - Real big trouble

Leo - We have a Google docs will send to you

Me - Wtf guys really? Thanks a lot.

Ligyun (dad) - Don't corrupt my favorite son you three.

Grell (mom) - Ligyun come on let him have his fun.

Ana - Come on Ligyun let him be more Chaotic

Louis - I agree

Ligyun - I know I just want him to get a good education.

Olga - an education he's never gonna use?

Ligyun - true now Shuu go to school for you it starts in like 30 minutes? And I know for a fact that Claire, Leo and Philip have souls to go reap.

Claire- :⁠-⁠(

Ligyun - go

Me - ok bye love you all

I open the Google docs and I'm honestly not surprised those three could come up with these. But their not enough for the principal to ruin his reputation to send me to E class.

I sigh and make my way to school walking. After a bit I see Ren.

"Hey Asano" he says then runs at me. I softly smile. "Hey Ren how was the break?"

He smiles wider then starts ranting about his summer traveling all over the world as an award for his good grades. I mostly tune it out thinking about plans to get to E class.

If I'm correct isn't today the day they are introduced to the Octopus?

I know it seems quick but the lab already had the weapons to harm the octopus and they negotiated last night with him.

Maybe not even a hour later the principal got a phone call that negotiated the use of E class.

It was a quick negotiation due to the fact they just gave the principal whatever he wanted because they quickly wanted his classroom.

"-asano hey are you good." I snap out of my thoughts and look at Ren whose looking at me with concern.

"Yeah I'm good just thinking."

"About what?" He ask curiosity obvious in his eyes.

I was about to make an excuse but I remembered that Ren hates the principal as much as I do so I know he would help.

"Ren I have a plan. I want to ruin his image by joining class E and I need ideas on what to do."

He blinks then starts freaking out. "Asano really!? What about your perfect record!?"

I shrug "I have no need of a perfect record if it makes the principal happy." I smirk mischievously in his direction.

A look of understanding appears on his face then he gives me an evil smile. "Of course in fact I have some ideas I know he will hate. "

I pay close attention to him the rest of the walk to school.

When we finally make it to class I sit down and choose the one I want to do. "I'm going to physically assault a teacher." I tell to Ren

He laughs. "Your insane Asano."

I shrug. "Your helping me with my evil plans call me Gakushuu. "

He smiles lightly face full of joy. "Of course Gakushuu."

I smile and class starts. The teacher rants non stop about what ever he did that summer while I see the other students studying their books.

I scowl. I hate incompetent teachers giving me an excuse to do it.

I stand up randomly in the middle of the mindless lecture of the teachers summer and how he never got any bitches this summer.

I walk up to him and give him a hard slap. He falls back with his cheek red where I hit him and see everyone panicking and in the back Ren giving me a thumbs up .

I walk out proudly saying "No one cares you can't get any bitches."

The class freezes and I make my way to the forest where I'll hide for the rest of the day.

After a bit of a climb sneaking past the agents guarding the hill to make sure no one walks in on the explanation.

After a bit of a walk I find a big tree with sturdy branches and make my way to the highest branch.

I sit down and bring out my phone

Me - the plan has been conducted soon I'm probably gonna be in class E.

The online notifications only pop up for the North American trio who answer

Philip - wth did you do to get yourself in trouble so quickly that it is more likely gonna make you end up in E?

Me - well I slapped my annoying as fuck teacher who was ranting about the fact they couldn't get any bitches during the summer.

Claire - \⁠(⁠◎⁠o⁠◎⁠)⁠/

Leo - \⁠(⁠◎⁠o⁠◎⁠)⁠/

Philip - \⁠(⁠◎⁠o⁠◎⁠)⁠/

Me - I should have never taught you those

Claire - honestly not joking that's crazy what else did you do?

Me - I walked out of class

Leo - omg

Philip - guys I know earlier when we were talking about corrupting him we were joking but I think w actually did .....

Claire - dad is gonna kill us

Leo - .....

Philip - .......

Philip - Welp I'm getting the fuck out of my country do you think Grell will protect us?

Leo - yeah I think we should go to grell she did encourage us to loosen him up

Claire - but not to corrupt him. God we could go to another planet?

Me - first we are all atheist no matter what Grell says and next to doubt another planet will protect you for Dad's wrath

Philip - you too please help us .?

I snicker

Me - no of course not

Author note - I am sorry for not updating ive been lazy. Yeah I'm having fun with the texting scenes what do you think?

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