0: Definition

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blood money
1. money paid in compensation to the family of someone who has been killed. 
2. money paid to a hired killer.
3. money paid for information about a killer or killing. 


This story is rated as mature because of violence. Trigger warnings will be placed at the top of the chapter.

On another note, I find it hilarious that I am dedicating a story (a short story, but still a story nonetheless) for a nameless character that had 2 minutes of screen time and was killed immediately. Does anyone even remember him? I guess he stuck out to me because he did appear much younger than the rest of the characters (although I admit that I am horrible at guessing people's age), which caught me off-guard. The short dialogue when he was being held hostage was also memorable ("You're so young... How did you end up like this?").

Anyway, thanks for listening to my mini rant. Back to the story; you all know how it ends.

started: 12 December 2023

ended: 17 December 2023

edited: 20 January 2024

Blood MoneyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum