Chapter 5(rewrite)

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{"No shit Sherlock." Choi Han whispered to himself.

Choi Han is quite irritated with the saying 'I am sure you are scared' when it is so obvious. He knew it was childish of him to think that considering the situation but he couldn't help it. The stress is eating him slowly.}

The boy let out a weak whimper and then a weak silent cry. He hugged his father even more tightly.

"Shh... It's okay... I am here... Shhh.." Deruth whispered repeatedly.

After he visited Basen, he headed to the next mansion beside the main. He looked grim and tired.

He realized just how much damage that Liethe and the boy's schemes had done to the family. He wanted to just throw every act and kick the boy out of the family but he knew if he did Cale would be very distraught. He needed to do what is best for the family but he also wanted to be a good father that his son can rely on.

{"One of the reasons why I don't want to be married. Parents dilemma." Rosalyn mumbled earning weird looks from the adults.

"Why are you looking at me like that? It is true. No. It's a fact." She defended herself.}

Without even noticing he has already arrived at his destination. He looked around there was not a single sight of at least one servant.

He frowned. 'Should I do another cleanup? These people don't seem to be doing their work properly.' He thought.

{Everyone nodded.}

He looked back at the door and knocked.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

He did the same thing as he did with Basen. He waited patiently.

"Come in." He heard.

The door was opened by Ron and he went straight to the couch. He turns towards the boy beside the window.

"How are you doing? Is there any problem?" He asked.

Cale sat up from the chair and sat on the opposite couch in front of his father.

"I'm fine. Though there are still some wounds that still refuse to heal." He answered.

Deruth examined one of the scars that failed to be hidden on Cale's wrist. He looked up to see Cale smiling while sipping his tea.

"Do you have any problem eating? Being unconscious for a long time can affect your diet and eating habits. At least that is what the healer informed me." He continued to ask. He also rambled a bit at the end.

Cale stared at him dumbfounded. He inspected his shy and fidgety father.

{'Cute..' Lock and Rosalyn thought.}

He burst out laughing. "Hahahaha! You are very adorable, father."

He smiled reassuringly. "I am eating well. I still needed time to familiarize myself with chewy and hard food but other than that nothing changed." He stated.

Deruth glanced at Ron standing at the door. Asking for confirmation.

Ron noticed his lord's eyes and nodded affirmative.

Deruth let out a sigh of relief. He focused back on Cale sitting in front of him.

He started a new topic. His expression became serious. "I am also here to talk to you about our family's relationship with Jeremy Malloyd."

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