Tamra (and Adrianne)

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Inez rubbed Andersen's shaggy head. "You putting your charming looks and silver tongue to good use?"

Andersen gave his secret girlfriend a veiled look. "I can think of a better use..."

"Don't be dirty, Andersen!" Claire snapped.

Inez jerked her hand back from Andersen's head as though his golden locks were on fire.

"Yeah, Andersen, Inez, if you're gonna be dirty, get a room," Tamra repeated innocently.

Inez shot her housemate a filthy look, but Tamra just smiled serenely. Tamra was still mad about the night before - and possibly a little jealous, she admitted, very quietly, to herself.

Andersen however, said smoothly to Claire. "Remember when you dressed me up as a girl scout to sell cookies?"

Shocked, Tamra stared at Andersen. "Claire, a Girl Scout?"

Inez laughed, giving Andersen's arm a grateful, surreptitious squeeze, "No, Claire wasn't. But Lara, who lived across the street, was."

"Lara Harris? That tracks. But Claire? No sane troop would take her," Tamra grinned at Claire.

Claire stuck her tongue out at Tamra. "Like I'd want to join."

"Claire stole a bunch of Lara's inventory and sold it door-to-door for a markup. I think that's when her relationship with Lara first soured," Inez explained. She stroked Andersen's arm absently.

"I saw an opportunity. God, that was a long night - Lara wanted to talk about boys until like two o'clock. She had a thing for JJ, the tool," Claire rolled her eyes.

"Well, she thought you were there for a sleepover, not larceny," Inez pointed out.

Tamra watched Andersen sneak an arm around Inez's waist. Inez brushed him off, her eyes on Claire.

How is Claire not seeing this? Tamra wondered to herself. Oh wait, it's Claire...

"After Lara finally conked out, I removed most of the cookie sleeves from the boxes in her garage. I left a few so she wouldn't get suspicious," Claire dumped her massive purse on the floor behind the register.

"The next day Claire dressed me up like a girl to sell everything door-to-door. No one recognized me in my dress and Mary Janes," Andersen recalled fondly. "Claire told me to tell everyone I was new to the neighborhood. She gave me a box of Thin Mints and pulled me all over the place in our little red wagon. I felt like a king!"

"More a queen in this context," Tamra observed.

Andersen grinned. "I even sold a couple of tagalongs to Lara's mom. She said my little ringlets were the most adorable thing she'd seen in years."

Claire smirked. "Mom hated cutting his hair. He looked like Goldilocks. I remember I told him to tell each person that he was with Scout Troop 80085 - "

"Boobs on the calculator," Andersen explained.

"I'm well aware," Tamra said.

"It was a good idea. I made out like a bandit," Claire recalled.

"And you?" Tamra asked Andersen.

"I got the box of Thin Mints and rode around in a wagon, remember?" Andersen said.

Tamra shook her head. "So pretty..."

"Then Mom's little angel squealed on me," Claire punched Andersen again.

Andersen rubbed his arm. "Mom was having one of her episodes. I thought she'd laugh when she saw me dressed up like a girl. I mean, I was only six."

"You were old enough to keep quiet," Claire scolded him.

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