Battle of Périrault and JFK declares De-Manafication to the defeated states

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Cuq: Yeah!!! Don't show remorse! We will broke their necks! Show the might of the France! Vive la résistance!!

Two AMX-30B2 "Brenus" driving on a highway having opposite lanes clearing the road of any distractions such as like wrecked cars

Free French Soldier 22#: Alright! So far so good, keep it up!

They kept walking with many vehicles behind them to keep them from behind. While Jill just smiled by seeing herself able to lead troops and would show her father who was a jerk that she was not a random person to fight against.

Jill: *though* Just wait for my revenge! Father!

AMX-30B2 Commander 19#: General Jill, you need a ride?

Jill: Yeah, I will take a ride

Jill got on the tank and the tank walked forward, now they need to help the 5th US Army which is dealing with the Galian troops.

With 5th US Army position

US Soldier 12#: Keep firing!

US 5th Army is still fighting Galian troops guarding the main road leading to the Governor Office building

US Soldier 18#: Die you monster!! *shoot his M4A1*

US Soldier 10#: *use radio* We need reinforcement! Where is the Frenchies?!

US Soldier 39#: <<19th Armored Division are heading to your way! Just hold as you can!>>

US Soldier 22#: Darn! They're too tough!

US Soldier 20#: Focus on them! Don't let those beasts get in our way!

The two sides exchanged fire, and the Galian troops who already knew their Mana power was useless were still being used, but that only got them killed.

Galian Soldier 9#: Death to the occupiers!

Galian Soldier 2#: You will not pass, you democratic freaks!

Galian Soldier 16#: Suck my bullets--! *get shot and dead*

Galian Soldier 11#: Shit! Why they don't just die?! *get shot on the head and dead*

Galian Soldier 18#: You jerk!!! HEEAAHHH!!!!!! *shot his rifle*

The Galians fought desperately, if they used Mana, they would die, if they didn't use it, they would die too, they would just die, there was nothing they could do

Galian Soldier 10#: I'll finish this and go home safely!!

Back at Free French 19th Armored Division

The Free French troops rode toward their destination unmolested, but Jill ordered them all to stop

Jill: Stop!

All troops stopped walking and they were confused what General Jill was thinking

Cuq: How come we stop? Even though the US 5th troop was still 3 km away!

Jill: Something's wrong, we are advancing without obstruction, I am afraid that this is a trap, tank troops, shoot the buildings around you! And also some places you suspect to be a ambush spot!

All the tanks pointed their turrets at several buildings that were suspected of being ambush spots, and several troops with rocket launchers were also present and pointed their guns at several buildings. Then they started shooting at the buildings which Cuq considered this as a waste of ammunition, but after one place was destroyed with someone falling down and screaming from being hit by a tank shot, they were sure that Jill's guess was right, they fell into a trap, but they managed to uncover it

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