ch☼pter 1

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the sun beamed in constance zheng's eyes as she watched the trees pass by. her mother smiled at her young children bickering in the backseat and placed her hand over constance's.

"i know you didn't want to move but i promise you'll love it. i needed a fresh start after everything with your father." she reassured.

constance knew how hard it was for her mother to leave behind everything she worked for.

"it's okay mom. i know. besides maybe i'll meet some friends and stuff." she sighed. she was worried her mother would feel guilty despite doing nothing wrong so she plastered a gentle smile. the family arrived at their new house, and the younger kids ran into the house obviously trying to pick the biggest room.

"jamie, lilith, quit running! you will see your rooms in a second." her mother snapped at the twins. "connie, grab some boxes please. i'll come help in a second but the twins look like their gonna explode if i don't show them the rooms."

"of course mom. we should get subway for lunch." the teenage girl replied. she began unboxing the car taking a look at their new home.

"home sweet home." she muttered, taking a deep breath and bringing the first few boxes in.

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the door bell rang as constance unpacked her bedding. they had just finished lunch and were unpacking to make their room a little more them.

"i'll get it." she told her mother, walking to the door. a family of 6 stood at the door with brownies in the older woman's hands.

"hello! we are your neighbors, the harpers. we wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood." the woman introduced her family. she smiled at constance, handing her the brownies.

"oh, let me get my mom real quick. you guys can come in just excuse the mess." she placed the brownies down at the table and went to find her mother. "mom! the neighbors are here to welcome us."

her mother walked through the kitchen doorway and greeted mr. and mrs. harper.

"connie bring the kids up to your room." her mother told her. "two brownies each jamie."

"uh okay. well come on then." she observed the siblings. they looked around her age, maybe 16? there was three boys and one girl. "don't mind the mess. most of my stuff isn't here yet."

"stuffed animals? what are you six?" the brown haired boy asked. his siblings glared at him.

"don't be rude dicky. she's literally inviting you into her room and your being an ass." the girl told dicky. she slapped the back of his head. constance laughed.

"i'm dawn. that's nicky, ricky, and dicky. we're quadruplets." she explained.

"hey. please excuse my stupid brother, he mistakes being an ass for being flirty." nicky said. he laughed and looked around. "despite not having all your stuff, your room looks cool."

"thanks. oh i haven't introduced myself yet. i'm constance. you can call me connie though." she told the quadruplets.

the group hung out for a little before mr. and mrs. harper called them down to leave.

"oo give me your phone number so we can hangout sometime." dawn told Constance. after giving it to her, dawn thanked her and left to catch up with her family.

"they seem like a lot to handle." her mom said.

"yeah. anyways i have to finish unpacking. call me if you need me." she headed up the stairs to her room.

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girl next door ☼ [] dicky harperWhere stories live. Discover now