The woman kept her eyes on Te'rani, who wasn't sure if she loved it or it made her uncomfortable.

Their eye contact broke when they heard a snicker.

"Is that supposed to be a tail?"

Te'rani scrunched up her face at her nephew's all to familiar taunting voice.

She loved him, he was a good guy at heart but sometimes, as Tsireya likes to put it, he can be a real doofus.

As of right now, Te'rani was caught off guard that he chose to pick on the Forest Na'vi despite them just arriving.

She hissed in disapproval at her nephew, like a mother would.

She was going to say somethnig but Tsireya beat her to it when she scolded the boys with a disappointed look.

Te'rani stood next to them, behind Tsireya as she looked at the young boy from earlier.

The boy smiled slightly. "Hey" Te'rani smiled at the boy before her eyes went back up to the woman.

Tsireya only giggled and looked down shyly.

Te'rani raised a non existent eye brow at her niece and smirked.

She made eye contact with the older boy for a second, who seemed to be smiling slightly too.

Their little interaction came to an end when skinmwings flew above their heads.

Tonowari was here.

Grand-entrance brother in law.

As Tonowari walked closer to the family, Te'rani walked to the side to see him better, dragging her nephew and niece's shoulders with her.

"Neytiri, I see you" Tonowari said.

Neytiri. Te'rani's eyes went wide.

The Neytiri? The leader of Omatikaya? The most fierce warrior who fought alongside Torok Makto? Holy shit.

Te'rani was trying to get herself to think straight.

She was just a regular fisher Na'vi who would often times help with cooking and there was the rare story telling and teaching, which was probably her only strength.

What could she have to do with these people?

Neytiri and her children also motioned the same to Tonowari.

From behind him, people made way for Ronal.

"Ronal, I see you, Tsahik of the Metkayina" Neytiri motioned.

Te'rani loved her voice. It was calm and slow, but maybe that was just because she was tired of travelling.

Ronal made eye contact with Te'rani and her children for a second before standing next to her mate.

"Why do you come to us?" He asked.

"We seek Uthuru" Neytiri spoke.

Te'rani's ears perked up. The forest Na'vi in a marui, isn't that something she had dreamed about before?

She didn't know if her facial expressions showed it too vividly, but Te'rani was definitely confused.

Am I doing that Thing again? She thought.

"Uthuru?" Ronal raised her voice.

Te'rani cringed. Give it up for pregnant Ronal to always be on edge.

"But your skills will be useless here, you are forest people" Tonowari tried to understand their request and spoke without trying to offend.

"We will learn your ways" Neytiri spoke after a second as she eyed Ronal who circled them.

"Their arms are thin" Ronal held out the youngest girl's hand, who immediately went to hide behind her mother's leg after.

"They will be slow in the water" The older girl let out a small "Ow!" as Ronal held her tail.

"These children, are not even true Na'vi!" Ronal lifted up the younger boy's palm rather roughly.

Te'rani's eyes furrowed and she frowned disapprovingly to her sister.

Te'rani felt bad for the boy. He clearly looked like he'd heard that before. He was son of Toruk Makto, who wasn't even a true na'vi at first. These kids were suffering because of simply getting his genes.

Te'rani could hear everyone gasp and saw the older girl grab her tail and mumble "yes we are" in frustration.

Te'rani was watching Neytiri's reaction closely.

The Na'vi didn't understand the concept of magnets, but the did have something called Eywa's will which attracted you to what Eywa wanted you to do. And as of right now, Te'rani really felt like Eywa had given her this rather unnatural attachment to the family.

"Toruk Makto became a true Na'vi, they can adapt" Neytiri said, her tail moving from side to side a little as she got agitated.

If anything, Te'rani only thought their tails were cool. So were their stripes.

Sure, Metkayina people also had them, but the forest Na'vi ones were much more detailed and noticeable. That's how she could recognise Neytiri as the woman in her vision. The stripes on her forehead.

The forest na'vi were different, but in a refreshing way. If Te'rani were to be honest, she would say that she actually quite loved their looks instead of finding them weird.

"Toruk Makto led the clans to great victory-" Neytiri began.

"This, you call victory? Hiding amongst strangers?"

Te'rani looked at her sister with wide eyes and a look of disapproval, which did not go unnoticed by Neytiri.

She knew her sister was only protective of her people but she was being too judgmental. Not to mention harsh.

"Looks like Ewya has turned her back on y-"

That was when Neytiri lost her patience.

She hissed angrily at Ronal's words.

Te'rani was only getting more and more nervous at seeing the interaction.

She didn't know what she would do or say to the forest Na'vi in the name sake of her vision, but she sure as hell did not want her sister shooing them away at their first arrival.

Ronal hissed back at Neytiri. The two had a little staring contest.

That was till a boy, who Te'rani guessed was the oldest son, placed a hand on his mother's shoulder comfortingly.

Neytiri seemed to calm slightly and closed her eyes at this and held his hand that rested on her shoulder.

Neytiri's eyes were closed and she took a deep breath. Te'rani caught a glimpse of the grip of her bow in Neytiri's hand being loosened.

"Uthuru has been asked" she lowered her voice and made eye contact with Ronal.

"You are at war with the sky people, but we are not"

"We cannot let you bring your war here" Tonowari said.

The oldest boy lifted his younger sister into his arms and looked at the olo'ektan.

"We are done with war" he spoke for the first time. Te'rani liked this boy already.

Everyone had heard the story about the death of Toruk makto. It was a saddening one, nobody could even imagine how the family must've felt.

"I just want to keep my family safe" Neytiri finished.

Te'rani's heart broke for them.

Ronal turned to look at the people surroudning them and met eyes with her sister.

Te'rani nodded her head eagerly. Ronal sighed and walked closer to Tonowari.

She closed her eyes and nodded slowly at him, silently agreeing.

Tonowari nodded and turned to his people.

"The family will be staying with us" He announced.

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