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It has been a week since that conversation we had, james has been coming in more often, the bright smile he would give me, the way he stares at me when he buys the smallest things.

 lately he has just been buying things like, Gum, Coke, Candy, i'm starting to think that he is just finding an excuse to see me.

but i cant just assume that....

it is Wednesday now, i brought Amalia with me to work since our baby sitter Miriam is on holiday in Hawaii, go back to visit her family.

I gave Amalia a GoGurt tube and went back to work, i was reading until i hear the bell, yall probably know the drill by now.

i look up expecting to see that bright smile i always see, but instead i see, the girlfriend, awks

i smile "hello" she just stares at me, "do you know where James is" she asked a bit annoyed, i look at her confused and say "no sorry" i say as i go back to my book

she then laughs and pulls out a gun "alright i've been nice, but i really need to fucking know where he is or one of you is gonna get hurt" she says moving the gun between me and my sister.

tears pool in my eyes, "i swear i dont know where he is" i answer truthfully, she grunts and leaves but before she leaves she knocks over a bottle of bourbon causing the glass to smash and make my sister cry due to the loud noise.

i sigh as i grab a broom sweep all the glass, and mop up the liquid, i put the broom back go over to my sister and wipe her tears. "its ok bubba" i smile at her, she hugs me and hides her face in my neck.

i smile softly, i then hear the bell and look up to be met with those same eyes i see every other day, he looked happy.

but when he saw my expression his face changed to worry.  "are you ok" he softly says, I scoff as i put amalia down and walk over to him.

i grab him by his ear and drag him outside, "ow what the fuck val" he says as he rubs his ear, i slap his face he looks back at me shocked.

"your psycho girlfriend came into my shop, asked where you were i gave her my honest answer cause i didnt know where the fuck you were, she fucking  held me and my little sister at gun point, shattered a bottle on her way out causing my sister to cry due to the loud commotion" i practically yell into his face.

he stands there shocked "look val-" he tries to say "save it, you and your girlfriend are forever banned from this corner store you hear me" i say as i walk back in

he stands there dumbfounded and then took off into the air.


I was a fuming motherfucker, as soon as i got to rocs place i kicked down crystals door to see her on the bed with a shirt and underwear on.

"hey baby, ive been wai-" she says "you went into the corner shop and threatened valerie and her sister with a gun" i yell at her

she looks taken aback before she responds "babe i havent seen you all day matter of fact all week" she says raising her voice a little 

"im a fucking man crystal i dont need you to play as my mother, wondering where i am 24 fucking 7" i scoff as i sit down on the bed

she chuckles lowly as she massages my shoulders "a man, you aint no man, you're just a small little boy who follows with the crowd"

i push her off me, i then take off down to the corner store.

"DONT YOU FUCKING WALK AWAY WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU" i hear from behind as i leap out the door.

yes val said i was banned but i dont fucking care, i love her, i cant let her go.


i was at the corner store doing my nightshift, i just dropped amalia off and headed back here.

i then hear the bells and look up to see a pair of angry eyes looking right at me, didnt i tell this motherfucker he was banned.

"james-" he walked up to me and smashed his lips onto mine.


cliffhanger much

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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