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Jisung was doing work on his laptop at the desk and Minho was heading upstairs as he ate a brownie; freshly made.

He knocked on the door and opened it, realizing Jisung wouldn't hear him with the headphones on.

He went over to his boyfriend and tapped his shoulder. Jisung jumped, pulling off an ear of the headphones, and seeing Minho with a small smile.

"Brownies are downstairs."

Jisung nodded, mirroring the smile and Minho pointed to his lap and then himself. "Minho sit there?"

He blinked quickly and shook his head as he spoke in third person and Jisung smiled at him.
"Of course Minho can sit here."

He pushed back his chair, allowing Minho to straddle him as he continued to work. "Can I have a piece of your brownie?"

Minho glanced down at his hands as he had shoved the last bit in his mouth and showed his bare hands.

Jisung leant close to his face and bit off the remaining brownie that hung from Minho's lips. "That tastes good."

Minho's eyes widened and he hid his red face in Jisung's neck, whining. "You can't do that, it makes me flustered."

"Which is why I do it, darling."


Felix bursted into the room and Jisung widened his eyes as Minho gasped, waking up and looking around the room; frantically.

"Sorry, didn't meant to scare you. But, Minho, do you want to go to the mall with me?"

Minho glanced at Jisung who had an unsure look on his face. "Can I go, Sungie?" Jisung nodded hesitantly.

"You don't have to ask."

He got off Jisung and went over to Felix. "Lix, take the medication." Felix glanced at the bag and picked it up, nodding.

"You aren't coming, Sung?"

"I've work to do, love. Call me if you need anything."

Minho was excited. He had never been to the mall and was currently skipping through it, trying not to bump into people.

Felix had bought him a sweater that he couldn't wait to wear, it was cropped but he still loved it as it had cat paws on the end of the sleeves as hand warmers.

Felix patted his pockets and felt nothing.

The medication was gone.

"Minho? Hold on, sweetie."

Minho stopped skipping, sensing the worry in the shaky voice as Felix checked his pockets.

"What's the matter?"

"The medication- it was right here-"

Minho unzipped his own pocket and pulled it out. "I have it, Lixie. You gave it to me."
Felix sighed out in relief as he took it back.

"Fuck, I got worried."

Minho nodded and they continued walking until Minho bumped into someone. "Watch it, fucking slut."

Minho didn't know what that meant and mumbled an apology. Felix's eyes widened at the rudeness and took Minho's hand, leading him out of the mall.

"Min, don't overthink it, okay? Don't tell Jisung about what he said."

He nodded, still not fully understanding as the two drove home.


They arrived home and Minho craved Jisung. He opened the door, put his shoes away and yelled out for his lover.

MY ABANDONED PSYCHO |l.mh x h.jsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum