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     At the Teletubbies home. Po  walks to the custard machine and asks if any of the others want any Dipsy Walks up to Po and pecks her cheek  giving a "nah" and hugging her waist. Meanwhile Tinky Winky  and Laa Laa  both  give their answeres well  Laa Laa gets yelled at and hides  her face into Tinks and Tinky  replies " Yea Po i would like some of that shit and also don't fûcking yell at Laa Laa.. " This only gets a " Oh fuck off dipstick you're the one who decided to  spend your life with a useless bitch who's scared all the god damn time" Po shouts. Laa Laa  begins lightly sobbing  into Tinkys Shoulder , Tinky rubs her back.
Po curses under her breath seeing that the machine is broke and she breaks free of the huddle that Dipsy was doing to  walk to the tool  rack and grab the needed item to fix the custard machine, after about a few doos and dahs and hard kick Po gets the stupid machine working again Filling four bowls up with custard handing a bowl to  Dipsy who  stated again that he didn't want any but Po insisted  and Dipsy couldn't say no so he agreed to eat .  " Bitch I ain't handing your bowl to you Come get it yourself 'crybaby'" Po said pointing a stubby finger to Laa Laa who had now dried her tears and was staring at her stomach which was a bit bigger. Tinky grumbles and gives a middle finger to Po as he gets up walking over to Po and grabs both The remaining bowls of Custard and walks back over to Laa Laa. Laa Laa slowly eats knowing she's feeding more then just one life the thought of her unborn child makes her smile and she continues eating. Tinky ate his custard faster then the others. As Laa Laa finishes the last of her bowl Tinky grabs it gently out of her hand and takes both empty bowls back to machine Earning a glare from Po as she to sets her empty bowl down Tinky Scoffs and sits back down beside Laa Laa who's falling sleepy.

||Time Skip||

Tinky wakes up at some point and slowly looks at the sleeping Laa Laa beside him he carefully gets out of the bed so' not to wake Laa Laa. As he's about to exit the house Po who woke up speaks " Tinks where the fuck You going at this late of a time?" *No answer* " hhmph fine then be that way and if you end up dying don't come crying to me for help" Tinky continues to ignore Po and walks out into the darkness.. About and hour passes and Laa Laa wakes up from a pain in her stomach though she confused when she sees that Tinky isn't with her and she looks up to see Po still awake she was about to ask when Po interrupts " if your wondering where Tinky is he left about an hour ago he was acting all ugh silent and weird I was about to go find his stubborn ass want to come " a hint of disgust in Po's voice at the end words Laa Laa ignores that and simply nods her head. The both of them walked together silently till they reached a split area in the path each going down one of them. Po ended  up walking to a tree and found a discarded bowl of custard, mumbling " what the fuck is this doing here.." she decides to just leave the bowl there and go the path that Laa Laa took. Meanwhile as Laa Laa is walking she feels another pain in her abdomen but ignores it and keeps walking shouting For Tinky " Tinky where a-are you!!"..Nnnhg.. * gasp* As Laa Laa. Feels a continuing pain and heavily gasps and breathes she doesn't notice Tinky come quietly behind her until .. Po speaks " SO THIS IS WHERE YOUR ASS WALKED OFF TO AND I CAME ALL THE WAY HERE!!.. Tinky Winky stands still ignoring Po's and he turns to Laa Laa who's in slight more pain then before He slowly begins walking over to her and Her face turns to pure horror when she sees Tinkys face and She Screams as Tinky lunges on top of her violently clawing at her eyes. Po stand motionless at the scene before her. Her mouth gaped open a little as Tinky steps always from Laa Laa who's all bloodied and still screaming in pain with her hands over her face. Tinky seemingly realizes what he'd done seeming like he'd got of of the trance or facade he was in but that quickly vanished as he turns towards Po and les out an Ear piercing screech which makes Po instantly start backing up as Tinky starts at Her and She then turns back the way she came and runs away from the horrid scene she witnessed heading back towards the teletubby house. Once Po is out of sight Tinky tries to whisper a I'm sorry to Laa Laa as he rushes after Po. Laa Laa stops everything and raises her head as if to watch Tinky running out of what would be her vision.. Laa Laa sits there against that tree in pain as she feels contractions from her lower region Knowing it's time and she whispers " Tinky I wished we could've lived normally .. and had a happy life instead this shit had to come upon all of us..."with that she sobs and everything comes into darkness and pain.. then nothing...

>A little while later<

Laa-Laa awakens but is different from what she was She turns her head to a small form on the grass beside her she feels the tiny things breathing.. She is hungry .. She doesn't want .. No.. Laa-Laa tries to force her new found instincts away for in the dark of her head she knows what this tiny creature is... In an instant Laa -Laa bites down on the lump .. Hearing it's Cries of pain .. Laa-Laa herself silently cries.. as she continues to eat the now quiet limp form of her child.. A child that never got to grow , never got to feel warmth .. Only felt pain.. didn't know what anything was hadn't even had a chance to open its eyes yet.. probably for the best ..
Laa-Laa gets up still crying.. and runs somewhere hopefully far away from that spot.  Po found herself running in the direction of their home  she turns her head to see if Tinky is still following, giving a small sigh as she doesn't see him she continues onward.  " ha-ha.. Haah- Finally .. " Po says as she's out of breath from running when she reaches the opened doors of the home. Po  slowly walks in but stops as her gaze  looks at a still form on the ground .. she walks closer to is and instantly Freezes " god.. Dipsy...no.." His body laying in front of her seemingly have being decapitated for Po end up looking toward the slide seeing his head sat there staring at her dried blood  stains littering the area. Po  holds back her tears and makes a move out the front door stopping instantly when Tinky stands there motionless. Po makes a break for it and runs.  After a while of running and almost getting crush by a damn tree  she's finds herself stoping abruptly inches away from  none other then Tinky. Po is instantly confused as fuck and having a sense of deja Vu. " OK Tinks I've about had enough of your bullshit quit the act already.." Po shouts to  Tinky's back however when he turns around  the same face as before looks into po's  eyes  and then suddenly Po is thrashing about tying to escape Tinky's grasp. She manages however she finds herself in a equally worse  situation having feeling the ground leaver her feet and the sensation of the air circulation getting cut by something.. the last think Po sees is Tinky running off before everything turns black.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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