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"Kenapa kau tidur kt sini?"

"Salah ke? aku rindu kau."


"Come..here , sweetie."

tngn Chase ditarik lalu bibir mereka bertaut rakus. Vince tolak Chase berbaring lalu baju Chase mula diselak ke atas.

"Vince..Vince stop..what happened to you today..? stop.."

"Showing my love for you."

"Youre so weird."

"like what?"

Chase cengkam dagu Vince. Vince ketawa kecil smbil memeluk Chase erat.

"Like what sweetheart? Tell me."


"tell me..Chase."

"Let me go..please.."

"i wont let you go. not this time."

"Vince please!"

Vince cengkam leher Chase lalu dia tolak Chase berbaring.

"I wont hurt you..i wont leave you..i promise i will love you.."


Vince melepaskan leher Chase mulai menyedari yg dia mulai hilang kawalan. Chase tolak Vince cemas. tk pernah dia lihat Vince begini.

"I got stressed today..so-sorry."

"Youre happy now?" tnya Jes smbil memeluk Dayyan dri belakang..Dayyan angguk smbil tersenyum lega. dia memusingkan badannya menghadap Jes.

"im so grateful."

"good..to see you smiling like this sayang.." Bisik Jes smbil ketawa lega.

Jes kucup tngn Dayyan finally..



Dayyan cium bibir Jes sekilas buatkan hati Jes berbunga ii. yey happy ending but wait..Is Vince and Chase will get happy ending too?



"pandang sini." arah Chase tegas. Vince patuh , dia pusingkan badannya menghadap Chase.

"What is it?"

"wheres the ring?"

"ring? what ring?"

"That ring you always wear."

Vince diam seketika. Chase merapat dngn Vince lalu tngn Vince dia capai.

"i want to wear another ring."

"what ring?"

"our wedding ring." LAH KAU SEMPAT LG FLIRT.

Chase dekah. dia lepas tngn Vince lalu geleng sahaja. menganggap itu hanyalah joke. Vince tarik Chase hingga tubuh mereka bertembung.

"its not a joke."

"its funny to me."

"Yeah..laugh..aku still nak kahwin dngn kau."

"Vince..asal tiba ii?"

Vince gigit bibirnya smbil menatap wajah Chase lama.

"i thought..you were joking about us."

"So you dont have any feelings?" tnya Vince pula buatkan Chase terdiam. dia telan air liurnya berdebar.

"Youre playing with my feelings?"

"n-no..maksud aku..Vince.."

Vince tolak Chase ke meja lalu dia rapatkan wajahnya dngn Chase.

"say it."

"aku..aku just..tk ready.."

Vince tersenyum. dia memegang tngn Chase lalu digenggam.

"Say yes to me..please?"


"Say yes to me , please sweetheart."

Chase auto lemah dngar panggilan tu. dia memegang pipi Vince lalu membalas senyuman Vince.


"Good..give me a kiss."

Chase cium bibir Vince sekilas.

"Geez not infront of our breakfast." Tegur Jes yang turun dngn Liah di pangkuannya. mujur dia tutup matanya awal ii. Chase turun dri meja dan cuma pasang muka kosong.

"Goodmorning.." ucap Vince smbil mengukirkan senyuman pada adiknya. Jes kerling abangnya yg kelihatan gembira itu. gembira la Chase terima dia.


"Go sit beside ur sister." arah Dayyan yg bru turut dngn adik lelakinya. Dayyan hadiahkan senyuman lebar pada Vince dan Chase. manis sekali everybody.

"Why kau acting pelik semalam?"

"i was stressed."


"the meeting."

"nothing else?"


"I hope you dont lie to me Vince."

Vince diam seketika smbil sibuk menilik kertas itu. kemudian dia pndng Chase yg masih merenungnya tajam dri tepi.

"What? you think i lied to you?"

"You got me thinking..what meeting kau attended. kau keluar dri petng smpai lewat malam.."

"Kau fikir aku meeting smpai lewat malam ke? ofc lah aku berjalan dulu."



"I know who you are Vince..kau lupa ke?"

"lupa apa?"

"kau tk suka meeting. any meeting mesti kau avoid.."

Vince letak pen itu ke meja lalu dia masukkan tngnnya ke dlm poket. Chase mula tatap wajah Vince mnunggu jawapan.

"want me to tell you the truth?"


"Will you get mad?"

"I dont know. tell me first."

Vince tersenyum nipis. dia memeluk pinggang Chase lalu pipi Chase dikucup.

"Nothing.." bisiknya sengaja. Chase tolak Vince geram.

"I know youre hiding something Vince!"

"Im not sweetheart..why are you so desperate?" Vince mengangkat keningnya sambil mengeluarkan rokok itu . Chase mendngus lalu dia rampas rokok itu dan mematahkannya tepat di hadapan Vince. Vince berdecit sedikit naik angin.

"You cant lie to me Vince.."

"If i tell you the truth , will you stay? will you love me..?"

Chase telan air liurnya lalu dia angguk sahaja.

Faithful[COMPLETE]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ