"Alright, listen up!" Poe shouted through the comms, "I don't like these rust buckets and I don't like our odds, but-" Poe cursed under his breath as his foot broke through a panel at his feet, "What the hell?" Aurora spared a glance at Poe who seemed to be having a moment, "Just keep it tight and don't get drawn in too close, until they roll that cannon out front." 

Aurora tapped the side of her headset, BB-8's beeps becoming static as the headset stuttered, "Ground forces, lay down some fire!"

Shots flew past them, hitting the First Order. TIE fighters flew down towards them, the First Order shooting back at them. 

"Fighters, break off!" 

Aurora turned up the thrusters, as a familiar ship hovered above the rest. Kylo Ren stood tall, watching his sister dodge TIE fighter blasts, he swallows all emotion as Hux stands beside him, hands held behind his back. 

"Should we aim our fire?" He asks, watching Kylo follow the speeder. 

"No," Kylo replies, "Not yet." 

Aurora looked up as the TIE fighters suddenly pulled away. The Falcon swooping down to help them. Adam and Rey in the gunners seats as Chewie sat in the piolet seat. 

"They really hate dad's ship,"

"They drew 'em off!" Poe shouts, a smile on his face. 

The speeders drew closer to the cannon, she looked over her shoulder, watching another speeder blast into flames. 

"Retreat Aurora,"

"Luke," Aurora muttered, a smile making her way onto her face despite the situation, "Where are you?" 

"Aurora, trust me," 

Aurora tapped her headset, the static connection becoming more clear, "Poe?"

"I am here," 

"We need to retreat,"

A series of shocked replies echo back to her as she skids the speeder around, "The cannon is too strong, it a suicide mission."

"We are so close," Finn shouts, "We can get to it Aurora!" 

"No, retreat Finn!" Aurora replies, watching as Poe's speeder comes beside hers as the cannon is now charged and shooting at the hanger door. 

"I can get to it," Finn argues. 

"Finn, retreat!" Poe shouts, missing another blast before looking over his shoulder to find Finn heading straight under the cannon's blast, "Finn! This is an order-"

Suddenly the connection is lost, and Poe curses. Aurora's thrusters begin to stutter as a TIE fighter comes up behind her. Aurora throws off her headset, quickly jumping out as the TIE fighter shoots at her, the speeder exploding. Poe shouts, his speed sliding against the ground as it comes to a stop. 

Aurora rolled onto her side, groaning as she places a hand to her head. Poe shouts her name, rushing towards her skidding on his knees to her, coving her body with his as the TIE fighter misses shots near them. Scrambling up, Poe takes her hand, the two rushing towards the trenches, jumping down and beckoning people to head back through the tunnels to the hanger. 


A final blast and the cannon had successfully burnt through the hanger as Aurora ran in, Poe hot on her tail, bumping into her gently as she skidded to a stop. There walking towards her was Luke, his Jedi robe wrapped around his shoulders, a old bag held in his hand. 

"Uncle Luke," Aurora breaths, a smile on her face. 

"Aurora," Luke mirrors her smile, "Your all grown up." 

Fly me to the Moon. Poe Dameron.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora