Welcome to the studio

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"Huh. Joey Drew's studio. Looks hella old to me.."

I shrugged and walked towards the building. I tried opening the door, but it was locked.

"Ok, great."

I sighed and looked around. I spotted a janitor looking guy and decided to ask for his help.

"Hey, uh- this front door is locked, could you help me orr.."

he looked up from the floor and smiled.

"Of course I can help! But if I may ask, why do you want to go in there?"

I looked at the papers in my hand, then back at him.

"Someone said they were looking for people to hire, so my sister recommended I try for an artist or voice actor here."

He laughed a bit.

"A job, you say? Well, you're in the right place. Allow me to help you inside, mr?"

I smiled back at him.

"Y/n. Mr?"

"Call me Wilson."

We shook hands and went towards the door. He pulled out a key from his pocket and went to unlock it.

"Before we go inside, I must let you know, Joey was very.. questionable with his creations as people would say. If you're looking to be an artist here, I'd look for Henry. If you're trying to be a voice actor, I'd look for Alice."

I nodded and thanked him for the advice. He unlocked the door and opened it for me to step inside. I was going to, when I got a good look of the inside. It looked different from how people described. There were a few ink splotches around and cobwebs all over the place.

"Uh.. Wilson? Are you sure this is the-"

I then got pushed inside, and the door was locked behind me. I started banging on the door, yelling for him to let me out. I then gave up and looked behind me.

"Oh jeez.. what did I get into?.."

I started wandering around for a while. I came across a room with a table that had some drawings on it.

"Awe, I miss watching this show as a kid.."

I picked up the drawing of Bendy. This adorable dancing devil was the majority of my childhood. My siblings and I have specific favorites. Mine was always Bendy, my sister's was Boris, and my brother's was Alice. I put down the drawing and walked to another room. This one had 6 big pedestals with pictures behind them.

"Huh? What the hell is this?"

I looked at all the pictures and assumed I had to find the objects. I've played horror games for a while, so I figured I had some experience already. I walked out and began to look around.


After doing everything I needed to, the ground began to shake. I got kinda scared and decided to go towards the exit. The shaking continued, and I started to hear noises all around. That's when I got pretty scared and ran to the exit. I almost got there when the floor broke. I fell into the darkness. The impact was enough to make everything go dark for a minute. When I wake up, I'm hoping this is all just a nightmare..

Guardian Demon (Ink Demon x Male!Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat