Chapter 1

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A/N Guess who's back guyss. So i have some informations for the story so please read this.
The chapter will be a bit shorter then they used to be and the story line will be different then it was (i will try to follow it at some point just maybe leave out the things i didn't like and add something new instead)
I don't know how often the chapters are going to be published so please bare with me i'll try to update as much as i can.
You can comment your recommendations for the story (i love to read any comments honestly) i will change the tags and trigger warnings i will put them here too. I think that's it.
⚠️Trigger warnings for the story⚠️:

I hope you enjoy the chapter <33

I'm walking down the hall, people are staring, i can feel their eyes on me. My hands are shaking in my pockets as i try to keep my gaze on the floor without bumping into anyone, but of course luck wasn't on my side today and i was pushed on another person.

"Watch where you're going." i heard someone say angrily. I mumbled a quiet apology and quickly went into my classroom.

Since i was a bit early i just found a free table and sat down trying not to drag too much attention to myself.

A few minutes later the room started filling with more students and i prayed that no one will sit next to me but as before, luck wasn't on my side. A tall boy with short curly hair walked in and over to my table.

He put his bag down and i started to collect my things while letting out a sigh.

"I'm sorry, i'll move." i said quietly but before i could stand up there was a hand on my shoulder making me tense.

"It's okay i don't mind you sitting here." the warm touch was gone as quick as it came while the sweet yet raspy voice filled my ears.

I nodded and turned to the front of the class as teacher started talking.

"Are you new?" the unkown boy asked and i again just nodded.

"I'm Marcel, what's your name?" he tried again to talk to me.

'We decided on this, no friends-as if i could even have friends- and hopefully no problems.' i thought to myself.

"So i guess you don't want to talk." he looked down to the table and bit his lip. I felt a bit bad but it was better for both of us this way.

After this 'situation' the class went by quickly and i was soon walking out of the doors trying to find my way to the next class.

"Hi nerd." i heard someone say, the same voice as earlier from when i bumped in them, and i lifted my head to see what's going on.

"Hi, asshole." i heard the pretty green eyed boy, also known as Marcel, say before he was being pushed to the side, hitting the lockers. He shook his head and just continued on his way.

I wanted to go after him and ask if he's okay but decided against it and went the other way. I regreted it when i felt a weird feeling filling my chest. I guess people call it an omega instinct but i would say it's bullshit. You see i always hated that i'm an omega, only a weak and useless omega.

I shook my thoughts away and continued on my way to the classroom.

The day went by quickly and before i knew it, i was walking out of the school. All i wanted to do in this moment was go home and lay in my "bed".

Whatever i expected it surely wasn't to be tripped and pushed to the floor with a bunch of laughter around me.

"Look guys, the fag has fallen for me." it was that guy again. What an unbelievably funny joke.

"Leave him alone Simon." it was Marcel. I felt my heart race picking up and blush creeping up on my cheeks.

I got up and tried to walk away. I heard Marcel arguing with Simon.

I heard footsteps behind me and there was a hand on my shoulder again.

"Don't touch me!" i turned around and saw something like hurt flash in his eyes as he slowly took his hand back.

"I just wanted to see if you're okay." he said slowly with guilt written all over his face.

"I'm fine." i said and turned around leaving quickly before he could stop me again.

I reached my apartment and looked around the old place. I sat down on the old couch i owned and started to think.

My stomach growled and i laughed breathlessly. Since school was so expensive i could rarely buy some cheap food. It was enough to keep me alive and i couldn't do much more then that. I left my dirty bag on the floor before staring to get ready for work.

I was so, so tired but i need to go, i desperately need the money right now.

Around half an hour later i was at the small shop i work at and was already filling up some shelfs.

"Hi." i heard a familiar voice but payed no attention to it.

"Sorry?" i felt someone tapping my shoulder and i turned around with an annoyed look on my face. Marcel bit his lip and looked down for a moment.

"Can I help you?" i asked quietly.

"Uh, i just wanted to say hello. Are you okay? You seem tired." he mumbled out and i rolled my eyes even tho my heart started racing in my chest. Stupid omega shit.

"I'm fine, i need to get to work though." he nodded while saying a quick 'bye' before leaving.

Something about this guy told me it was just a beggining. I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing but whatever it is, just the thought of something actually happening pulled a small smile on my face.

Light In The Dark (Louis X Styles Triplets) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz