Chapter 6

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As Draco stood up walking to the bathroom,he heard a knock on a door so he decided to check it out.He opened the door and saw no one,he looked down and he saw a box.It was labelled -To Draco Malfoy,this is a lust potion also known as one of the strongest love potion,when you drink it you will stutter a bit then the first person you look at will be who you will be obsessed with for 24 hours-1 week.If it last longer them the time said,go find Professor Snape,just don't tell him I gave it to you. Hermione Granger and Pansy Parkinson-. "Weirdos."Draco said as he took the box in.He put the box aside and started brushing his teeth.After doing so he woke Harry up and told him "Go brush your teeth,you stink."Harry said while groaning "five more minutesss."Draco said while rolling his eyes, "get up before I make you."Harry stood up and did the middle finger before walking into the bathroom tiredly.Draco chuckled and walked to the box that pansy and hermione sent him,he opened and took out a small container that had liquid inside,it look pink and bubbly.-probably just water and food dye.-Draco thought,but he was still curious so he chugged it down.His head was going insane,he was dizzy.At that time Harry was walking out and Draco stared at him.Heart pupils appeared on his eyes,Harry was confused and started to step back while Draco was walking to him.(play the video above for music)Harry don't leave me~.He grabbed Harry's hip and lifted him up,he put Harry's legs on his waist and said "I love you darling~<3"Harry was flustered,he turned pink. "I-I love you too Draco<3"Harry said. "Say it louder I couldn't hear you!"Draco said as he was about to go for a kiss.

Ehehe cliffhanger,next chapter will bet at 80 reads!

P.S:next chapter is dirty dirty 😉

Mine~||Drarry||Smut warning!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz